Yet another Surface Pro bragging rant.

Bought a Designer mouse, Surface pen is coming soon!

  • 7
    I want a surface pro.

    But Im a broke boy
  • 3
    I never really liked that mouse though...
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    @Stuxnet parents help? Or you may spare some money for an older model or a refurbished, or a surface pro
    @ScriptCoded reasons?
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    @Jilano I always wanted a low height mouse and a quieter one. Meets my expectations so far at least
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    @Jilano since it is a touch screen I won't use the mouse so often tbh
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    @CozyPlanes Doesn't sit well in the hand. To sequareish I think
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    Mouse is ugly
  • 3
    gotta have that gucci mouse

    meanwhile, my stone-age ass in the analog era preferring ball mice for anything needing a mouse
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    How is it performance wise? My friend has one too and it sounds like a starting jet like 80% of the time
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    @CozyPlanes I've got a job and I make like $200 a week, but I'm building a tower bc I can't really justify dropping that much money on a Surface Pro in my mind.

    Eventually, I'll get one lol
  • 2
    That mouse looks uncomfortable...
  • 4
    @Stuxnet hurr durrr bUt ItZ a MiCro$oFt Pr0DuCt huRr durr

    I want one too.
  • 3
    Play with them when I am at the store. Once I am done paying my wife's tablet I will get mine(hopefully)
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    @AleCx04 I'll probably buy one after I graduate to be my main laptop for a while. That or an XPS.

    I've got uhh $200 left on my phone so I'll be done in a week or so, and then I'mma dump everything i make into my new tower. Should be fun
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    Tried that mouse but for some reason wasnt very productive with it after my razer naga 🤔 wonder why
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    But did you install the Linux on it yet?...
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    @badcopnodonuts ew why would you wanna ruin such a great product with a down grade like that? 👎🏻
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    @Stuxnet 1. I was being facetious
    2. As much as I love Linux, you wouldn’t.
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    logitech mouse > that mouse
  • 3
    @badcopnodonuts Yea I gotcha.

    Forgot my /s at the end of my comment lol
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    rant = "speak or shout at length in an angry, impassioned way"
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    Isnt it preferable to use a mechanic keyboard?
  • 3
    I don't understand why they named that ugly shit as 'designer mouse'. Maybe because it looks like a big 'click me' button on websites? How many seconds did it take to design that mouse? Did they used just paint? Because its just a fucking curved box. Here is css of that so called designer mouse:
    #mouse {
    width: 100px;
    height: 175px;
    border-radius: 15px;

    Sorry for ranting in comments..
  • 2
    @ScriptCoded meh
    @mundo03 😢
    @Parzi ball mouse, 😞
    @gathurian doesn't reallyatter
    I have the i5, 8gb,128gb model and I won't do cpu intensive tasks here
    @Stuxnet interesting
    @olback meh
    @AleCx04 mIcRoSoFt pRoDuCtS rOcKs
    @Stuxnet what do you mean with tower?
    @kgbemployee yeah!
    @ganjaman dunno
    @badcopnodonuts won't
    @dmoa that mouse portability > logitech Bluetooth mouse portability
    @thatDude arghhhhh
    @nett18 I hate those 4 some reason
    @hack lol, np
  • 2
    @CozyPlanes hahahahahahahahaha

  • 1
    @Parzi 😞😞😞
    @austudo MINIMALISM
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