
Trying to hire more good devs... it's surprisingly hard. Guy with supposed decade of JavaScript experience fails code test, "I don't really use map function so I don't know it."

R U kidding me

...and yet my "maybe we should consider remote devs" idea isn't getting any traction :/

  • 0
    The more people on the market the harder to separate good from bad.
  • 1
    It's even harder to find good intern. It's waste of time... Nowadays hiring a developer looks like lottery 🤔
  • 12
    Knowing map function is not necessarily being good dev or not. Can he read docs? Can he be looking by himself for solution? He is creative?
  • 9

    1) If you've been using JS for 10 years you have used the map function once or twice and have a basic explanation.

    2) If he just pulled up the MDN and copy/pasted I would have been fine with that (I do that all the time). Instead he just defended that he "doesn't need it" and proceeded to fail to solve the problem anyway.
  • 4
    @stisch yup, sorry i see your point and i agree.
  • 2
    @stisch @lumy did that came up in a chat ir in a code test?

    The dude might be using something else to achieve the same shit.

    Digging up the map function, it was introduced in ecma5 back in 2011.

    Also, the dude could be using filter or reduce, or even a for loop instead of map.

    I say this lack of interest in the map function does not demonstrate the dude is shit.
  • 6
    Coding tests are so fucking lame.... There's always some fucker who wants to completely toss out a developer because they did some detailed shit not quite to their expectation

    These days, I treat coding tests like a user story. I get every last acceptance criteria on the table before starting. And if it isn't in the AC, they have a hard time failing me if they don't find their favorite loop/construct /class /method/etc in my code
  • 0
    I would probably move to your country to work (You don't live in Afghanistan right?), but your laws make it so complicated and expensive.
  • 0
    @danzulos i don't think my country does that.

    Come over, we have tacos, REAL tacos
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