Since CoffeeNcode posted a rant about a new Dutch meetup (https://devrant.com/rants/2023874/...) I thought that I would share a date I know Ill be in Germany for meeting up with my internet friends.

Nothing is definite yet, but Im pretty sure that I will be around Bonn and Köln on the 5th of May. There is a free festival, Rhein in Flammen, with an amazing firework show. Last year I visited and it was a big success so I want to go this year too.

Depending on the amount of reactions I might stay a full weekend instead of being there for 10 hours (traveling there on one morning and leaving in the middle of the night)

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    @CoffeeNcode are you still up for Rammstein? I was today at de Kuip for work so I know where Ill sit
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    Oh, Bonn, great city! And Rhein in Flammen is really awesome.
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    @Benedikt it sure is, a maybe for you too?
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    Köln and Bonn would both be reachable by train for me so a maybe more leaned towards a yes for me
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    How about a gofundme or something like that to fly @Floydian over? :P
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    Im from the south of germany but I think I cant attend, too bad really
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    I just had to cancel plans for going down there, am from the north, but why not. Put me down as a "still has to think about it and budget it properly and make further plans"
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    @Floydian could you find out how much money a flight would approximately cost? I can't promiss anything, but maybe people will give a small amount so you could join.
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    @Codex404 Count me as a strong maybe! Would really like to participate. The only obstacle could be to have no time then, but I don't know if that will be the case yet.
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    @Floydian where this meetup will be ;) so either Bonn or Köln
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    @Floydian you were learning German right?
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    @Floydian you asked flight ticket to where so @Wack replied Bonn or Köln depending on the meetup location.
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    @Codex404 @Wack Amusingly, Bonn and Cologne share the same airport: Flughafen Köln/Bonn.
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    @Benedikt oh, didn't know that
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