
Have you noticed that mac users rarely use full screen mode? Its so hard to use that they just leave half sized windows, its so annoying when I have to ask every time if they can make it bigger

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    Linux and Mac user. I don't like anything to be fullscreen, except maybe sometimes a video.

    I even run games windowed.
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    I cannot stand this. Thank you for noticing.
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    You are right. It is a completly unintuitive feature. The usage is shitty and the approach prevents side by side view of different windows.
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    Yes I have, and even in fullscreen, there still is some wasted space around the docker
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    Pretty sure full screen creates a new workspace which makes hiding window under it impossible.
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    Really fuck that swiping feature. I hate the look and feel of fullscreen on mac.
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    Yeah, contrary to what fan boys claimed, window management on macOS is appalling and has been surpassed by Windows since Win7. "Good artist copy, great artists steal", cool, steal snap-to-edge please. Well, at least there are tools that do this.
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    @M1sf3t haha you're right, even Android has multi window functionality nowadays.

    Sorry to hear Windows crashes so often for you. Funnily my macOS machines crashed more often than my Windows machines, so there's still hope. 😉
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    Also, since the system APIs are available, there are some really outstanding pieces of software for sizing windows and saving sizing and positioning to be restored with simple keystrokes. Devoting a full workspace to an app is not really a common use case, at least for me.
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    First thing I installed after using macos the first time was spectacle which enables window snapping side by side with shortcuts.
    I haven't used macs workspaces ever since
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    @smb26 Spectacle ftw, but it's still funny/scary that you need 3rd-party app to FUCKING MAXIMISE A WINDOW
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    @M1sf3t oh yes, the good old times. :) The first Windows machine I owned myself ran Win 98 SE. Boy, was that crash-happy. Double clicking .wav files was playing russian roulette, about one in four times I'd get a bluescreen. And Worms 2 came with *a lot of* .wav files...
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    @bahua IDE should be full screen always
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    @M1sf3t So you want to tell me, that I have to use an overpriced interface to compensate the flaws of the OS I am using? That is something I am not willing to do.
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    Nah, I keep xterm/vim windowed. :)
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    @bahua vim is not an IDE (second flamewar start ;p), i was thinking more of pycharm, phpstorm or visual studio. Text editors like vim, sublime text or texmate are different story.
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    I know. You didn't need to explain.
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