
I ❤ JavaScript

  • 10
    0.1000000000000000055511151231257827021181583404541015625 + 0.200000000000000011102230246251565404236316680908203125 != 0.299999999999999988897769753748434595763683319091796875

    It's IEEE 754, not JS
  • 2
    Fun fact:
    You can't store '0.1' in floating point format. '0.5' is fine though.
  • 9
    Not this again :<
  • 6
    @ihatecomputers everyday 100s of people learn something new to them that makes them mad. Those that already know it need to let them vent their anger and smile knowing what pain, heartbreak, and despair awaits them on their journey.
  • 2
    @bkwilliams Yes, but I meant blaming JS for a problem that is inherent in pretty much all widely used languages
  • 0
    >> devRant != devScience

    <- true
  • 0
    @ihatecomputers there's no better way to out oneself as a completely clueless noob.
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop Shhh! My boss never noticed for more than 15 years.
  • 0
    @mkopter how on earth have you been in dev for 15 years and still don't know shit about floats?!
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop Well, I do. Your conclusions are just biased by your assumptions. ;)
  • 1
    That's not a javascript problem. Read up on the IEEE 754 64bit doube precision floating point number
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