Okay new Rant

OSX still sucks I have been using the bloody darn thing for last 8 months still I found things that are obnoxiously trivial missing.
Latest incident I was trying to plug in my android phone(soft bricked) in recovery mode and I had to push a file with ADB (i save this mutherfuker for another day). So back to the original topic now I plug it in and but turns out it doesn't recognize my device now as a preliminary check I decide to check my USB cable and my DONGLE both seem to be working fine now I try rebooting back into recovery. Now after scrapping the internet for a few hours I find that this problem is caused because sometimes due to a recurrent bug in OSX the operating system sometimes fails to recognize the difference in between directories "Adam"(just an example) and "adam" which in turn can interfere with some of the flags used while checking if a device might be connected.

I mean this is fucked why the fuck can you not simply use your device as an external storage that would have made the process easier by a fucking lot.

I think the people at Apple are going the destroy a UNIX powerhouse just to make their OS more CUPCAKE friendly.
And all of this is in addition to the problems with AFS.

I just wish I had not bought mac for development

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    ...but apart from that, what do you dislike about the OS?
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    @jschmold the only reason I am using macos is cuz I am doing a few units at my uni related to iOS development before this I had a near perfect Arch configured with scripts to automate day to day functions
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    @helloworld lesser compatibility with other file systems. Somehow I still don't understand why I need to quit each application twice or press command + q. The lack of a repository for downloading and maintaining critical softwares. Lack customization and limited compatibility with android

    and piece de la resistance the garden wall that is supposed to protect you from everything but ends up being your biggest foe.
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    @sohilkaushal ...as far as force quitting apps, 99% of the time that’s down to badly written apps. But really dude, you can run windows native on a mac or linux, so you have many possibilities. Keep the Mac but ditch macos if its too shit for you.
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    @helloworld I know I love the hardware just waiting till I finish uni
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