It's dark and it's quiet. Your ears adjust and you can hear the faint sound of buzzing in the distance, but it's hard to make out what it is. It sounds like a small fan. You get up... it's so so dark... you can't even see your hands in front of your face.

You wait a moment for your eyes to readjust. You don't remember how you got here. You don't even remember who you are.

Once your eyes readjust you look around. You're surrounded on all sides by what looks like really tall walls. And near the corner of the room you see some blinking lights.

Curiosity grows inside you, and you decided to walk over to it. The lights grow ever bigger and brighter. As you get closer you see that the lights are sitting on the ground, blinking randomly.
Carefully you get on your hands and knees and touch it. It feels plastic to the touch, and the lights continue to flicker softly at you. And almost as if you've touched this device before you know to grab between the seams and "open" it.

A momentary flash of bright light and then suddenly darkness.
All replaced by a flashing single character on the screen. It appears to be a line.
Suddenly the line moves and begins typing characters out to you.

* Good morning, Dr. Eval.
* It wasn't easy, but I've managed to get your computer down
* to you. This system might be unfamiliar, but the underlying
* code is still JavaScript. Just like we predicted.
* Now, let's get what we came here for and then get you out of
* here. Easy peasy.
* I've given you as much access to their code as I could, but
* it's not perfect. The red background indicates lines that
* are off-limits from editing.

It seems you're Dr. Eval and you can alter the reality you stand in.


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