I know last year suddenly lots of animated login popped out.
NPM actually uses one... and it doesn’t look that good

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    I'm a simple guy, I think is very cute
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    @JhonDoe @Alice there were people did hands on eyes when typing and completely use css and svg instead of images
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    @sunfishcc ok that's more insight about the cause of your rant.

    just from what you shared I saw the cute animal as an end user.

    I still think is cute and the animation seems good enough for me being a simple guy.

    If it looks enough for me, is not broken, was not made by me or someone I know or I'm not curious about how was made. I really don't bother to dig into it.

    PS1: The animal still looks cute and good enough for me *o*

    PS2: please do not think I'm picking a fight here :)

    PS...VITA(RIP): peace and love
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    @JhonDoe but do you really think login with animation like this looks good?
    This is actually a interesting topic.
    I feel it’s such a distraction from something more serious... (authentication is probably the hardest part for web service)
    For example, if the image from somewhere else, your query param will send to image website through “referer” header.
    By introducing something nonfunctional, will you like to take the risk?
    Just a example btw...
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    @sunfishcc i don't understand. How does that work? The form is supposed to submit to action url.

    How is an embedded image able to capture the user inputted information?
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    @JackToolsNet yep. This is the one๐Ÿ‘the chosen one!
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    It kinda feeds my paranoia, but on the other hand it's so cute :3
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    @sunfishcc well, that might be true, but imo I don't mind, but I'm being subjective. Frankly speaking for enterprisey stuff it could looks off.

    I got your point and yes, serious things would not look good with that kind of things, but if you look at the general vibe of the website and how they introduced their cute wombat into their website, is quite... Uniform. Also npm always striked me as a no-so-serious cool page

    tl;dr : if well executed it would not bother me. But if I would imagine some enterprise website like salesforce introducing an animated login page while the rest of their website is serious as fuck, that is no good
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    @JhonDoe UI design trend is running circles. From heavy texture to simple flat, now people try to add extra layer to the flat design again.
    This looks like a Friday afternoon project to me ๐Ÿ™„
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    @sunfishcc well, yah. This could be the next big thing
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    I like it. Just that sometimes I hate when he stares at me while remembering the password
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    @CozyPlanes I run my random string generator ๐Ÿ˜
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