
I really hate when I have to help a coworker and then when I need to use their keyboard. is dirty AF, really disgusting! like c'mon, how is that I need to tell them that their keyboard could use a bit of cleaning

  • 6
    That's fucking ridiculous
  • 7
    Excuse yourself for a minute and return with your own keyboard, saying you won't touch his keyboard until it's cleaned 😜
  • 7
    Cleaned? That looks like it’s time to throw it away. This is why I always use black keyboards, they look like they are cleaner then they are.
  • 5
    Gosh... I've seen (uncleaned) heavily used mac keyboards for 3+ years that wasn't _that_ dirty.

    This Keyboard might grow some flowers soon
  • 4
    Heh, you can actually see key usage stats :)
    I guess it's about time you go "wops, I spilled coffee all over your keyboard"
  • 1
    I swear every single apple keyboard is the filthiest thing you'll ever see.

    The last place I worked used them and I swear I would never have to buy the space grey version with how fucking disgusting that thing was
  • 0
    what is that shit. Eww
  • 2
    @RantSomeWhere that's such a throwback to the 90s
  • 0
    @gudishvibes I think even AJAX will struggle with it
  • 3
    I'd leave a "Clean me ☹" sticky note on it.
  • 0
    @Jilano Never on people. But calling them out for obvious social faux pas on their possessions? Absolutely.
  • 1
    It looks burned and melty...
  • 1
    Jesus.. kill it with fire!!
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