
Today is the first time I really wished we would use git, or some good version control. My coworker kept working on my project while I was on vacation and now something isn't working. I'm just not sure if it's not working because I was dumb enough to accidentally STRG+X (I know, I'm dumb) some of his lines or whatever, but the point is I have no way to trace back what it looked like before and now I gotta fill the blanks by deduction I guess

  • 2
    Why would you *not* use version control these days?!
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    @AlmondSauce we've only had oldschool developers until now. We've just recently started using a real IDE instead of some editor in our terminal running on the server. The dev department is just starting to modernize, a version control is planned but there is just not yet (a real) one.
  • 1
    Working with others is next to impossible without version control. I can't even imagine the horrors.
  • 3
    @jonii if I were you, I would use git until they roll something out. Sync down other people's changes and simply commit it with a message that makes it clear it is other people's work. You would have avoided this issue.
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    @nathanasius eventhough that is a great idea and even when we leave out what my boss says about that, I just don't have the time right now to figure out implement it in our system nor to figure out how exactly git works, because I haven't used it yet (I'm still a learning dev)
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    How old do you have to be to be classed as old school? I've been doing dev for 30+ years and I wouldn't dream of not using version control, neither would any devs I know with the same vintage as me.
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    @Robinha it's less about age, than being years or even decades behind current standards. I don't blame my coworkers though, they've been busy with maintaining old software in the last years.
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    Even daily backups would have solved the issue.
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    @Fast-Nop we have daily backups, but they're not that easy accessible.
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    @jonii That's like saying you don't have time to learn how to operate a parachute before you go skydiving. Git is very easy to learn, and you can setup local repositories in no time at all. It's worth the effort.
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