
*erection intensifies*

(I'm fucking pumped for fuschia in case anyone hasn't noticed)

  • 1
    Oh wait what? What is this? 😮 Zircon? Sounds interesting...
  • 4
    @ScriptCoded can't tell if sarcasm or don't actually know what fuschia is...
  • 2
    @lxmcf No seriously, haven't heard of it at all! Sat and read about it my whole breakfast
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    @ScriptCoded oh in that case haha, nah I'm really excited for fuschia, if Google can pull it off (big if) it could bring them up to speed with apple performance wise...

    Plus an os that isn't fragmented and has a 1 size fits all structure will be amazing
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    @Jilano well I saw this image about 16 hours ago and it's done nothing but slowly increase in size... Fuck
  • 2
    @lxmcf Yeah, second that. Do you think they'll keep it open source then? Or branch of with a proprietary Google-only version?
  • 2
    @ScriptCoded ... Good question... Haven't really thought but I imagine it may have the core and usable functionality open source but have a decent chunk of Google specific components may be closed source.

    Similar to how chrome and chromeOS are
  • 1
    @lxmcf Yeah, Google in control. It is, however, tons of times better than Apples code sharing ;)
  • 5
    Oh, ANOTHER Google OS... 🙄
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    @Benedikt Oh, a (hopefully) NON BLOATED multi million corporation OS
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    @ScriptCoded I am very sceptical.
    But time will tell.
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    @Benedikt @ScriptCoded don't worry I'm sceptical as well but fuchsia is seemingly doing what I wish android was...

    Keep android as a runtime like Java or mono and have that ported to different operating systems.

    With fuschia being so modular it would mean less fragmentation because the OS on your phone, watch, desktop and smart speaker are the same, it all *should* just work
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    @lxmcf The OS we all dream of. JustWorks™
  • 2
    the fuck is fuschia
  • 1
    @nam17887 fuchsia is an color, an genus of plants or the successor of android with version indipendent drivers.
  • 3
    Fuchsia will also have the advantage of shutting up Linux fanboys mentioning the completely windowsed Android as success story for Linux.
  • 0
    About fucking time. Been waiting for a longggggg time since I first heard about it. 👌🏼
  • 0
    And here I was thinking I was the only person excited for fuschia
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    At least one person working on fuschia is also working on an async io stack, and let me tell you, they did not sacrifice performance anywhere. Pretty sure some of fuschia will be using this stack too
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    Doesn’t it have android apps compatibility ?
  • 0
    @vane yep, and pretty sure Linux comparability (I could be wrong)
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    So maybe they’re just looking for someone to finish this pull request https://github.com/apple/swift/...
  • 3
    @lxmcf nope, it won't be Linux compatible. Instead, Linux apps need a VM that Fuchsia supplies: http://linuxgizmos.com/googles-fuch...
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop ah, still that's a great sign
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    Actually, getting rid of Linux and its quite fucked up architecture is one of the points of Fuchsia.

    Linux on ARM SOCs is even worse than PC Linux here because the SOCs are way less standardised than x86, but Linux still doesn't have a proper driver interface. So every driver needs to be touched constantly, which is a big issue for manufacturers and a major reason for the Android update disaster.

    The original Linux idea was to intentionally fuck up the driver layer in order to force manufacturers to open source their drivers. Ain't gonna happen, instead people just don't get updates, that's reality.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop that may be true but having the android AND Linux ecosystem available will be a huge boon.

    Yes it is going to be better to use native applications but those will allow fuschia to be more readily available, so you don't need to lose your play store library and won't have to find alternatives to your desktop applications if you come from Linux
  • 2
    @lxmcf yeah from a userland POV, Android apps should better run as is, at least if Fuchsia is meant to gain traction quickly. Also stuff compiled with the NDK, at least after re-compilation. POSIX compatibility would be useful.

    But seen from the application layer, the kernel itself doesn't really matter anyway.

    But desktop Linux and smartphone.. wait what? First, desktop isn't optimised for touch, so that's much different anyway, and second, desktop Linux isn't a relevant user group, so Google can disregard that.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop fuschia is a multi platform os?
    Will run on desktop where the Linux apps would be great, phone where the android will be king and whatever else can run it
  • 1
    @rEaL-jAsE nobody wants Windows binaries on smartphones because MS had been late as usual to the mobile party, that's why Win phone never took off. And Windows desktop applications make just as little sense on smartphones as desktop Linux ones.
  • 3
    Great, another OS from the guys that brought us massive surveillance, a modular phone and the Google glass... It's probably gonna good then...
  • 0
    @lxmcf ah you mean Fuchsia on PCs? But Linux users are exactly those who will be least likely to even want it, just like Chromebooks. You see, if they didn't care, they would be using PC-Windows.
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop you say that but I'm excited for it in that respect and use the Linux on chromeOS feature quite a lot.

    It makes a lot of sense if your like me and are knee deep in the Google ecosystem
  • 1
    You might want to check the spelling if you're so pumped
  • 1
    @electrineer autocorrect is a bitch .-.
  • 1
    @lxmcf it's hilarious how many articles have it wrong even in the title
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    @electrineer I keep just calling it the same as the flower fuschia, I'll remember one day but yeah articles should be better than me at least
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    @lxmcf well that's also called fuchsia, named after Leonhart Fuchs.

    Wikipedia: "While the original pronunciation from the word's German origin is "fook-sya" /ˈfʊksija/, the standard pronunciation for the common name in English is "fyu-sha" /ˈfjuːʃə/. As a consequence, fuchsia is often misspelled as fuschia in English."
  • 1
    @electrineer well I feel like a royal dickhead now
  • 2
    fuchsia, fucksia, fuckCIA 🤔
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    @lxmcf I'm not convinced that's a good name for an OS if misspelling it is so common.
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    @electrineer I'm in the middle, pretty sure it won't be the name regardless because it uses the fuchsia kernel, pretty sure they are just using fuchsia as a code name... But I kinda like it
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