Angular 2 has had a rough year. Team announced that they "won't have breaking changes for 6 months" the day of 2.0.0's release. I just started studying it. I'm concerned about the adoption rate at this point...

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    @Letmecode tbh I'm very afraid that you are right...
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    @Letmecode at the moment I'm developing a fairly big project that will last at least until February in angular 1.5 using a component based architecture... They have retrofitted angular 1 with the idea of components but it sucks... It doesn't fit well into the whole angular 1 scene .. Looking for other technologies at the moment 2way databinding or even 3way is a big deal for me... What do you recommend?
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    @Letmecode vue has popped up in my searches a couple of time... As for functional programing I have no experience... I've looked into react but I was not amazed... The fact that they use jsx doesn't convince me... Kinda messy imo
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    I use Vue at work and in a personal project of mine combined with PHP. Vue is so awesome as it makes reactive stuff so easy and extremely flexible.
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