
My love for UNIX-Like OSes is not expressible in words.

  • 4
    But in numbers,
    OVER 9000!!!
  • 1
    I'm not a fan of macOS, but otherwise I agree!
  • 1
    OverflowError: (1, 'Result too large')
  • 1
    Notice how MacOS was intentionally left out of the tags.
  • 1
    Technically, you just expressed it
  • 1
    @taigrr no matter how bad macos gets, as long as it's bsd it'll be infinitely better than windows
  • 1
    @Cheeseypi that's true. Give me a usable shell and pipe-able output over limitless DLLs and corrupted registry values any day!

    Also the number of times I've gotten kernel panic on a Unix system is about the same as BSOD on Windows, until you remove Raspberry Pis with cheap, corrupted SDCards from the pool. Then Unix is definitely more stable.
  • 0
    Didn't you just express it using words tho?
  • 0
    Is it expressible in files?
  • 0
    Should be expressed by the single word whoot. That is the goal of them, amiright?
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