Is there actually any crossplattform mobile development framework which is not a total pain in the ass to work with???!

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    Dude grow up you’re still on planet earth.
    Here even shit is sometimes painful.

    Give some requirements.
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    @irene Long answer: noooooooooope
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    Look for one that explicitly says "this framework is a pain in the ass to use".
    All of them are, at least now you can go with an honest one.
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    I recently built an app with ionic (3) which was extremely hassle-free. The performance isn't that good though.

    What about something like Nativescript? I've never tried it but absolutely plan to!
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    @JannikHv ok, calling an api and displaying data (something like devrant) isnt the app we are talking about, try to take a photo on the 5th every month and send it in an email with ionic
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    Xamarin isn't horrible, but the short answer is newp.
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    Flutter is close
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    @JannikHv nativescript-angular is the horror
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    @Cheeseypi how long are you using flutter?
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    @alereisan Can you explain why? I really like angular to be honest. What is it that makes nstivescript "bad" in your opinion?
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    @ganjaman That's obviously something different, you're right. Ionic fit my needs since the app was about BIM with feature where the webview was really handy.
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    @alereisan about a year at this point, enjoying it quite a bit
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    Check out devrant about page.
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    Check this thing out called phonegap .. it's an Adobe cross platform Dev kit. Not used it, but have heard some really good things about it. There is even a game called " there is no game here " ( I know they sounds weird 😂 ) on the play store. Looks damn competent.
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    @kappekp tried the game, it is working well
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