
Don't know if it's a repost or anything but... C'mon, seriously?

  • 9
    Job description:
    You will be designing new hardware platform for which you will also implement an operating system. It is necessary to implement an youtube-like platform on top of your OS. As a long term job you will be uploading a video per day to this platform.

    F..... unbelievable.
  • 9
    Actual work: taking pre-existing templates and modifying some basic HTML/CSS files.
  • 6
    Might as well just throw in Welding and Pottery Master for fun.
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    @user001 companies these days...
  • 0
    @Ximidar But why stop there, add axe throwing and free falling to mix things up drastically 😂
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    Good luck for the poster to get someone with all these requirements and good at each of them 😁👌
  • 2
    Programming language = netbeans ide. Right...
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    @M1sf3t 🤣
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    @keshk Pretty sure they don't teach that in Design academies
  • 1
    I can bet 5 bucks 10%-5% of what they’re requiring will ever even be done there.
  • 1
    @Inkshriek Probably just HTML... Welcome to DevRant btw!
  • 0
    @stereo Thank you!!
  • 1
    what will they need LOGO for?
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