How do you find motivation to learn new things? I am not saying regarding new technologies or frameworks.
Other stuffs.

I am 26 and I am starting to continue University but I need to learn for TOEFL and SAT. (Long story short, I dropped out because I had to move to USA, and it was choosing USA or University.)

I am working as Software Developer here in USA, but I am preparing to study in University. IT is kinda difficult to find a job here without a degree and I got lucky that I have one.

I start learning for TOEFL, easy stuffs. Just learning how to prepare for it. After 30 minutes or less I zone out. Start thinking about other stuffs that are not related to anything. Daydreaming.....

I am thinking I might have ADHD, but still it is just a though and I do not want to go to doctor and get diagnosed.
Or I am just lazy and kinda depressed that I do not have motivation for anything.

So, I am asking you dear devranters, how do you find motivation for university?

  • 2
    Motivation alone isn't going to help. Motivation comes and goes, some days you won't be motivated at all, but that won't make the work you have to do go away.

    Look at tools and techniques to get things done. As a start, I would recommend the Pomodoro technique, it can help you get started when you're not feeling motivated. In short, you set a timer for 25 minutes during which you give your full attention to a task. Once the timer runs out, you earn a 5 min break. Repeat it as many times as needed, every 4 cycles you can take a longer break. You can read about it or watch a video that explains it in more detail. It really helped me out when studying some courses
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