To all SJWs (including hidden ones on dR): Fuck you!

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    @-ANGRY-CLIENT- W... Like a win in sports is listed.

    Comment W on posts that are good, and L (for loss) on posts that are bad.

    🤷🏻‍♂️ Something kinda common on Instagram and places like it, and it's basically a habit of mine to comment lol
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    Fuck them.

    (Just not literally for fear of catching the mentally debilitating disease)
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    You speak the truth... Fuck em'
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    Wish I could ++ this more.
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    Social Justice Warriors?

    Elaborate, so we can hypocritically laugh (:
  • 11
    @makmm SJWs are hypocritical, sexist and racist assholes who claim that their sexism and racism is OK because white hetero men are the Jews of the 21st century. So.. FUCK THEM.
  • 10
    @makmm Central to their ideology is the idea of group identity (which is why it's sexist and racist by definition). Your personal worth is defined by the worth of the identity of the group you're in, and the more "oppressed" the group is and/or has been at some point in history, the more entitled you are.

    The net result is that white, heterosexual men are the lowest scum on earth to them, hardly worth the gas to be killed off. Lesbian black women are the highest form of human existence, especially when also being addicted to drugs.
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    @Fast-Nop Exactly.

    They're "tolerant" unless your views aren't the same as theirs, then you're the scum of the Earth.
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    "hidden ones" as in "traps"?
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    @makmm the fact that there are much more heterosexual white men in Linux kernel dev than lesbian black women with drug addiction means that there's something wrong with Linux, that's how SJWs see it. Obviously, if they got their way, they would destroy everything.
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    @makmm it's not where I find them. They invade every domain that doesn't immediately laugh at them, e.g. open source. Before, it was gaming.

    The only major domain I know where they totally failed was heavy metal, and that's because metalheads are fucking proud to be offending. The reason for that one is that metal is a big "fuck you" to mainstream.
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    @makmm I don't even "follow" because I don't have accounts on Fuckbook, Shitter or Instacrap.
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    @makmm No.

    I don't follow any of that garbage and I'm not friends with any of these people because they seem like unbearable aholes to be around.

    Yet this shit is still everywhere you go. There's always someone whining trying to claim everything is offensive. Unless it's about heterosexual white males, because then you can't be offensive towards them.
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    @makmm with Mastodon, I know the name at least, but I've never heard of that other thing. Actually, I'd rather flirt up @rutee07 (haha, that caught you off guard, didn't it?) than joining some social network where I'd hate most of the people anyway.
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    My ex was from SF in California, Liberal snowflake heaven. It was hell.
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    @makmm You cannot avoid them because they seek to invade everywhere.
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    Yeah fuck them. But don't do anything, when they get "Contributor Covenant" in the Linux kernel code of conduct.
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    @makmm Maybe you don't notice them because your views are similar, therefore you fail to see the extremity of it & just pass it off for slightly worse than you?

    🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ Because it's not hard to miss them on literally any slightly edgy Instagram post, or on forums. And now they're starting to run around the tech community preaching their bullshit tolerance story
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    @makmm Praise Trump and watch them gather a lynch mob. (Or ask "Resist *what?*")

    Or just say "It's okay to be white" if you're white.

    Or "black lives matter as much as anyone else's."

    Or "it makes the most sense to hire the most qualified"

    Or "socialism is stupid"

    Or "communism has failed every time it's been tried"

    Or "lgbtqiapb&j" 😂
  • 5
    @Root I got told "you can't be racist to white people" on campus the other day

    Laughed my ass off and used a lot of self control to not unleash a hell storm of insults that would have probably gotten me jumped.

    October/November of 2020 should kinda fun to just fuck with these people on campus.

    To prove their tolerance, they spit on one of my friends who was out campaigning for Trump back in '16. Much tolerance, many wow.
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    I used to reblog stories / news articles like that on Tumblr and tag it "#tolerant liberals" -- I had hundreds.

    I eventually got my account deleted (because being banned alone doesn't delete your blogs), I assume for being too political (and not a lefty) because posts like that made up almost all of my recent content at the time.
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    Sometimes I wonder how prevalent sj warriors are outside of the U.S since they cause quite a fucking uproar here in the U.S over every single thing and I am inclined to believe that such bs is somewhat less prevalent in other countries where the general population is more intelligent(Like Germany where common sense seems to be a thing since kindergarten)
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    @AleCx04 Other countries are also more on the political left, so maybe they just blend in more?
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    @Root that seems to be the case for the most part. Another thing that I have observed is that they just don't care. I dunno, but i see it a lot here and it drives me nuts.
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    @Root Politics on Tumblr requires far left propaganda to be posted or it's a ToS violation lol.

    But yeah there's definitely a fuck ton of proof that screams "hypocrisy." I should make a montage video lol
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    The "far left", "SJW", etc. is also called the "vocal minority" here in the US, they only make up <10% of the population IIRC but they get so much attention and influence because they speak up and lash out much more than other groups. That could explain why it's hard to find them in real life but they're so prevalent in media. Most people are somewhere in the middle and dont care as long as their individual life isn't affected too much.

    Another interesting statistic is the demographic of the far left - predominantly well-off white people, not as many poor/working-class/minorities that they claim to ally with and support. Makes you really wonder what their intents are.
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    @tokumei I'd say their intentions aren't even secretive tbh.
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    @Stuxnet True. I just hate wrongfully blaming people if I dont know for certain. But its evident that there's a lot of corruption and manipulation that happens.
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    @makmm That's something I can say about every furry I've ever known: they are all very friendly.

    Some are a little too friendly lol
    But they're all very nice people
  • 4
    Genuine question here:

    I've seen people on here saying that those sjw people are very much left (politically) and even to the point that very much left (political) people are also in general to blame for the sjw bullshit.

    Why's that? If were talking politically left (as in right vs left) I'm quite extremely left but those sjw people can go fuck themselves.

    Why would 'the left' be bad?
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    @xzvf i swear that Germans are born with a natural affinity for logic and common sense.

    Have a couple of german friends. The most down to earth and logical people I know. I even feel inadecuate in my sense of logic when I talk to those assholes.

    They can also outdrink anyone I know. But then again I don't drink enough to know and each one of them is nearing on 2m tall with strong builds. I am pretty muscular myself but I am a tiny mfker
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    @irene i could only wish. If I ever want to continue to lose faith in the people of my country all I have to do is turn to fb and find myself hating the society in which I live in.

    Shit is absolutely horrid. I know that is not the same for all of us, and that there has got to be some dense ass people everywhere in the world.

    But the idiots here advertise themselves on the daily. I normally say that people here splatter their shittiest ways on everyone they encounter. If they want to be dense and lacking all logic, well that is one thing....but I swear...its like they pride themselves on this shit
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    Disapppointed at all this immaturity.

    If you had any sense you'd stop dividing and put forth constructive means of upgrading outdated institutions, lest extremists burn it down.

    Atypicals and Outcasts need to stick together. Victory not Vengeance.
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    I have noticed a few downvotes. These downvoters most probably are from these assholes.
    Come on you bunch of retards. Fight me. Stop being bitches. Show yourselves!
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    @makmm, what @Fast-Nop said.
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    I am talking about that kind of motherfuckers who think that their only mission on earth is to make peoples' lives worse.
    The recent linux shit, python master/slave bullshit. Go suck a bag of dicks, you fucking morons.
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    @makmm if you are one of them, feel free to leave this place (as you did mention it in your post where you secretly pointed at my rant).
    Such people make the world go down. Such people deserve a special place in fucking hell. Satan is waiting for those SJWs and LGBT (who want white men to be dead) people.
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    I am sick of all of this bullshit.
    It is like a fucking virus.
    Sometimes it just feels like those people are still in kindergarden. Be fucking real.
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    The more time passes by, the more I understand Linus Torvalds tbh.
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    @makmm, if you are not one of them, all these words were not directed to you.
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    @irene Tumblr porn is low key good shit.

    Used to love going there when I needed a fap
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    Inequality is bullshit.
    There are only 2 genders.
    Everyone is provided equal protection under the law.
    People are not oppressed in the USA.
    SJWs and the LGBTOMGWTFBBQ crowd are just a bunch of attention whores.
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    @makmm You really need to pick a different term, then, because if you self-identify as a SJW (even with a different meaning) sane people everywhere will not-incorrectly assume you're a militant extreme leftist who willingly swapped their brain out for CNN's newsfeed.

    That's a bad thing!
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    @makmm okbye!
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    @Jilano "Being accepting" / "respecting one another" is common courtesy, and practiced by almost everyone... you don't need a movement for this, or specific rules that punish those who don't.

    You especially don't need a group of enforcers that dig through everyone's history to find something they dislike, and demand that person be fired over it. And often times when this doesn't work, the people in question gather an angry mob and demand again, more vocally, with ever-increasing aggression.

    This isn't being tolerant.
    This is being intolerant.

    So yes, be nice to everyone else.
    That's the very much opposite of what these SJWs are doing.
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    @Root i agree with this. And its common courtesy but it still doesnt mean you have to be nice to everyone.

    I have been mean and deeply regret still today.

    You need room for mistakes and self reflection even if it is at the expense of others because in the end the one who has never made another suffer is pretty much inexistant.

    And i feel the smae way about jokes. If you spend your time laughing and joking about shit like rape then you have a problem. But laughing to something unexpected does not make you a racist or a insensitive asshole.
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    Forcing people to be nice to everyone?
    Totally not the answer. Force is never the answer.

    I'm nice to those who deserve it (and honestly everyone else, too; I'm too nice). However, I am mean or outright cruel to those who have seriously wronged me. They deserve it, and I have not felt guilty for it, ever.
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    @Root i dont always agree. Mercy sometimes is a better answer.

    The hardest is to know when you should be an asshole and when should you be the bigger person.

    Letting go is hard too :).
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    I support Linus.
    I stick up for the Queer and Atypical communities.
    Not a fan of Antifa (what you should be saying instead of LGBT, who btw are an amazingly fabulously welcoming community)
    Downvoting OP for being immature and incindiary attitude.

    You want to fix things? Submit a constuctive solution. (No, not a hateful one)

    This thread isnt a pull request, it's a tantrum.

    Wear your feather in your cap, join in the mending.

    Hello, hello? He lied.
  • 1
    Let's look at some examples.

    Person #1: Fired me on an MMO I worked for, attempted to get me globally banned several times, doxxed me, over all trash talking for years. Also stole years' worth of my work (and lots of other people's) and passed it off as his own.

    Person #2: Deleted almost all of my work, trashtalked me everywhere, reversed all of my decisions he could (we were both managers), fired my hires, and only hired his friends -- who all hated me. When I quit because of his shit, he immediately deleted my goodbye letter.

    Person #3: Boss (who ran a casino) tricked me into working as a contractor by withholding my contract until well after I started, paid me 30% less than promised, and later gave me a 25% pay cut on top of that (increased hours, no salary increase) for a grand total of 52.5% of my promised salary. He was almost always behind on payroll (1-3 weeks, sometimes much longer), and I once went nearly two months without a check. When I left, he refused (to my face) to pay me my back wages; he still owes $4.2k in unpaid wages. He was well off and bragged about expensive things both he and the company bought, so it's not like he was short on funds. He had cameras pointing at all of our screens and he would watch us to make sure we were working. He randomly installed a key card system and later disabled the exit buttons; when the power went out, we were all trapped inside. Also, he managed to get a customer's house though shady means.

    Just three examples.
    Are any of these people deserving of mercy?
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    @unfuckers-inc try it yourself.
    Giving constructive solutions won't make the situation better.
    I am rather giving a hateful one, when nothing else helps.
    You simply can not talk to them in a normal way. Even animals understand you better than they do.

    I got no time to waste.
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    Ahh what'da you know
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    Id put forth the problem of the dying media empires: CNN or Fox; each are more and more desparately reporting inciteful stories as they grasp for ratings.

    In contrast we're seeing youtube channels such as HowToADHD create new communities. The channel creators are supported via Patreon and compile short presentations packed with citations, debumking myths. An empirical dialog follows.

    I do believe we should double down on supporting and enabling these kinds of new reporters, investigators and av-nerd teams.

    Simply put, "no more need for the old empire"...
    ...is not burning it down...
    ...IS replacing old scaffolding with appropriate new ones.
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    Dont complain, dont pitchfork.
    Build, document, iterate.

    Apathy is your enemy.
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    - Maynard Keenan: "We should all try to get out each other's way. Get where you're going, not at the cost of someone else's path"
    - Bill Burr has a greatroad etiquette video.

    I ride bikes. I hyperfocus and my algo says A.
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    You cant change others.

    You cant sink to their level.

    Try driving a garbage truck...bet theyd pull to the side to let that pass. Youd have to get lucky with the direction of the wind perhaps though...
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    I suppose one could distribute pamphlets about the "Dutch Reach" and use that as a sort of trojan horse of self-interest to start a dialog about road etiquette and common decency...
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    @rutee07 true to form, I'd call that the AK47 style - and that wins hands down over the CoC style of SJWs. ^^
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    @Root no. There is no need for a bigger person in those stories -_-.

    Good thing all problems arent always as bad as that
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    @Nanos When I'm cycling, I hog the lane because car drivers usually respond with recklessness to consideration. They will pass without any safety distance if there is space to do so, and they don't care about legal requirements.

    On the other hand, it's not demanding too much of a cyclist going slowly to stop every few minutes and let a bunch of cars pass, just like tractor drivers are required to do.
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