Excel is the best worsy fucking software. It has every feature you can think of except the one you actually need. Every time I use I end up yelling at my poor laptop. Even things that should be simple are made impossibly hard and unmanageable.

  • 0
    What do you miss?
  • 4
    How is that even possible. Even if something really isn't there you should be able to write a marco (Yeah VB I know 😂)
  • 1
    I'm not an avid windows user anymore and I've never had the need to do spreadsheets in a long time.

    The few times I need some specific calculations on a dataset I just interactively script it on Python
  • 3
    It's not the worst.. I think Access holds that title
  • 0
    @Kimmax yeah I solved some of the problems with an external python script
  • 0
    @Codex404 some formatting options (which are necessary for what Im doing), equations directly in cells (having them as objects makes it a pain to use them in bulk).
    And it fucking does whatever it want fucking up most of my files
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