when you're pretty sure everyone on devrant is a web developer and you're not

  • 3
    Haha. What are you then? Voyeur?
  • 5
    I'm a mad scientist. I make robots see, and learn mostly. you know, the stuff people think is cool but also fear, because terminator.
  • 8
    @MadScientist Aah. Your meme doesn't match your work. It should have read - "I guess I'll build a robot that'll fuck me!" 😝
  • 0
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    Robots can also be programmed with Javascript these days. Give in to the language of the Web, you will be assimilated!
  • 2
    You're not alone. I make apps and games.
  • 1
    @sterex it's too bad I can't comment a photo. took the time to make it day guess I'll make a robot to fuck me.
  • 3
    @MadScientist embedded software, apps, web server, production server, db... I work on a team of 3 devs for a small business and we do it all! And we're all appropriately nuts :)
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