
Friendly reminder for travalers:

You can usually reset your free WiFi time at airport networks by clearing cookies :)

  • 38
    another tip: most of the time if they ask you for the phone number to signup you can select some far away/small country, they'll say they cannot send a confirmation sms to that number and just let you pass ;)
  • 15
    Some real haxxors in this thread!
  • 6
    @njpugh90 that MAC address changing also helps for FlixBus WiFi :)
  • 2
    @ThatPerlDeb I recently took quite a long trip with FlixBus and I had internet the whole time, are you sure you need to change the MAC address ?
  • 3
    @pitzyrulz I had to switch mac every 150 mb yeah.. last trip is about a month ago.
    Travellef throughout Germany
  • 6
    Thank you all for these really useful tips!
  • 1
    @ThatPerlDeb thanks, good to know ;) I'll definitely test it on my next trip (my trip was Italy <-> France)
  • 2
    I'm loving this. One time my flight was delayed and my time had ended.
  • 0
  • 0
    Does this work on iPhone? As the login screens normally pop up in their own window rather than a normal Safari.

    Thanks for the hint though!
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