
I don't get JS sometimes...-

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    To be fair, NaN is kind of a number to computers : the IEEE 754 norm defines 3 exceptions to the way numbers are represented by float, that is ±0, ±inf and NaN.
    So NaN is a legal value for a floating point number, and for once, JS is not to blame.
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    @CptFox thanks for clarification. i find it intuitive for nan to be a number-type value because it just doesn't make sense to me to return anything else while checking if it is a number.
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    There is no better meme to describe this.
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    @theofanis Sorry, but since we're talking JS, I'm really not sure we have the same 'this' (sorry, had to 😋)
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    @CptFox wow. Didn’t see that coming
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    @TeeSeal Too lazy to check, but since IEEE 754 defines NaN as "all floats with non-null mantissa and with exponent at maximum value", it could be that NaN1 != NaN2 because they are literally not the same value. Although it makes sense to say that even NaN1 does not equal NaN1, to be safe
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