What programming language did you study in high school? In my country they teach us Pascal for what ever reason, me coming from c++ I can t support it

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    Mostly Java, but if one of my teacher sees that he's going to answer Java, JavaScript and PHP (look, you coded ONE website with PHP and frontend JS, you're a web dev now!)
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    Pascal, but i liked it, pretty okay language
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    They started us on C++ for a semester, then moved on to Java for the rest of high school.
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    I also learnt Pascal in hs, but only because the CS teacher does it on a basically volunteer level (he gets payed for it, and it's an official class, but he only had 3 hrs of further training) and only knows Pascal
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    We had also Pascal in high school, and it's a good choice for beginners because you learn to properly think about types.
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    I was Java. These days it tends to be Python or JS for the most part - I suspect JS will fully take over as the details facto teaching language in a few years.
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    @irene It's happening (sadly).

    I see the value of teaching a language that anyone can use directly in a browser or as a server backend - I just wish they'd at least choose something like typescript that has a much better underlying structure, and can still be used in both those scenarios...
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    VB6... grandpa will walk away now.
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    Are you Russian ?
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    When I was high school 10+ yrs ago we would need to take PASCAL if we wanted a programming class. Then the next year, would move onto Java.

    I started coding when I was 6 in BASIC then VB and by that time also knew C#... I did not take any programming courses.
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    @irene I agree, but that doesn't stop it being taught. My biggest gripe with it as a teaching language is lack of any kind of proper types - students that started with JS seem to hugely struggle understanding why you can't later on add a number directly to a numeric string...
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    @irene don't get me started...
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    @AlmondSauce adding strings is such a moronic concept! I'm perfectly fine with operator overloading for extending scalar operations to n dimensions with matrices and vectors, that's well defined linear algebra.

    But adding strings?! It's not like 3+4==34, right? Addition is something completely different from concatenation. Abusing + for concatenation is the product of diseased minds.
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    @irene I agree, and I've been known to rant for *way too long* on the perils of loosely typed languages...
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