Which type of dev are you?

1. I exercise/ workout regularly :)
2. I want to. But I ain't got no time for that :|
3. I don't believe in that shit :(

PS: I see some sw engineers in my gym.

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    I'm like 2.5

    I want to, but the gym at my uni is full of hard work out people and I don't want people staring at my fat ass as I try to fix being a fat ass lol
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    @Stuxnet that's the reason you're at the gym, to lose fat. Others will appreciate you rather.
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    @netikras Majority category I guess :p
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    @Stuxnet NO. Trust me people will appreciate your effort and push you even further! :)
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    @ScriptCoded More than regular?πŸ˜‚
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    @FunniestClown @N0-Flux-Given I'm aware of that. It's just hard to overcome being very self conscious.

    Like I used to run a bit when I was back at my parents house. But the road I'd run on started having more traffic and I got self conscious about people seeing me while running. so then I went to the crop fields near my house. But I twisted my ankle and my shins would hurt awfully after I finished.

    I should start riding a bike more. I did a 15 mile bike ride (not that impressive, I know) and my calf muscles were fucking huge by the time I finished training lol
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    4. I commute with bike to the office. Totals to 20 km a day, one hour, not slower than taking the train for me. Just wished the office had showers though.
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    @Stuxnet I feel you brotha ❀
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    @k0pernikus OutOfBoundsException raisedπŸ˜‚
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    between 1 and 2
    I exercise to keep weight and body muscle but can’t say it’s regular
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    4. Fuck this.
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    1. Regularly, once a year
  • 2
    I used to be #1 but now I'm #2 and every day I want to be fit again but don't have time

    Literally gained 30 lbs this year just because of it
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    1, I've always been sportsy except on weekends
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    @Root confusing number
    maybe I want to?πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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    @Mizz141 basically type 3?
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    @dotFuck FuckπŸ˜‚
    string regular not defined
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    #1. Started one month ago though. It is regular so far, hope it stays this way!
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    @JKyll that's seems like perfection to me
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    @hndk Goodluck with that!!
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    5 days a week baaaybeee. Working towards my goal of going my first ever muay thai fight, three years in the making. If I don't work out I kinda fall into a black hole of despair and depression, so I try to avoid that. Overweight since I was a kid, it took a lot of effort to overcome my shitty "I am a fat piece of shit and I will never ever be athletic"-mindset.

    For real, one of the things that inspire me the most is when I see someone overcoming all the awkwardness and perceived judgements of other people and go to the gym or go out for a run or whatever. I see you and I'm rooting for you.
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    5 days a week. 1.5hr a day. Heavy weight lifting.
  • 2
    I very much want to exercise but usually don't have time for it. ☹
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    1. , former 2.
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    1. I try to go running several times a week and I play football once a week. Keeps the mind fresh.
  • 2
    1. Lost 40 pounds since last year
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    additional option request:
    your doctor says it's a miracle you are alive and is proud of being part of the miracle.
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    I think gym's are like an empty loop, completely useless.

    When I need to burn off some fuel, I start doing useful stuff, I tear down some walls, build a roof dormer, re-tile the garden, stuff like that.
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    I am #1, i think working out is good in order to take time out from screens, meeting people and you get a fresh mind to work on your project and stuff.
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    #2 until about 6 months ago. Now #1

    I go in the morning before work and afterwards I feel like i have more energy to put into my work and just feel much better overall throughout the day.

    I recommend this to all. You'll feel better, code better, focus more, and overall enjoy your day more.
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    @Stuxnet I was like that. But the reality is... No one is looking at you because everybody is busy with their workout.

    If you are that fat then people will have more respect for you for trying to work out and lose that fat ass of yours. I know I would.
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    I'm like 2 and 3 both at the same time ( quantum mechanics )
    I want to.. but I also don't want to
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    I work out regularly enough to not feel bad, but I wish I had to time to do it more than that
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    @bittersweet Completely agree, except for climbing gyms. Projecting a route feels productive. “Pumping iron” or treadmill running is so pointless and unsatisfying. It helps that I’m good at climbing and bad at pumping iron.
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    #1 but by hiking, biking, and walking everywhere since I try to travel and do nature-things every weekend. I hate the gym and I don't understand how to lift weights properly.
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    @ihatecomputers You're an inspiration for others!!!
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    @gvnix PERFECT!!!❀
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    @Root Usually if I'm that busy I give extra effort to see that I don't miss my workouts. Gyming is stress killing part of my day.
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    @LynxMagnus it'll be so relaxing
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    @KalmyK Waohh awesome!!!
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    @bittersweet I had the same thought about gym before going to one.
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    @thisDOTdevLoper Yes. Completely agree!!!
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    @MrCSharp WOW. WELL SAID!!!
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    @retard 2.5 Confused;
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    @sleepyDevHead any form of exercising is fine ;)
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    I want to but i can't get the motivation πŸ˜₯
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    @linuxxx workout is the best stress buster for me. It helps me stay calm throughout the day. that's my motivation!!!
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    @FunniestClown Trying to... πŸ™ˆ
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