
Did you ever think a game would take up over 100 gigs on your hard drive? Neither did I, yet here we are.. WTF

  • 14
    100GB? It’s endless open world with state of the art graphics and the most beautiful detail at a per pixel level?

    Otherwise wtf are they thinking?
  • 9
    @C0D4 oh it's beautiful no doubt.. I just think they'd make some of it procedural.. 100 gigs still.. Holy fack! Back in the day I got the quake demo off a BBS (for you young pups, that was the internet before the internet was a thing), 140 megs, and it took about the same amount of time.. haha
  • 23
    100GB of un-optimised code that doesn't even match visual quality of games less than half that size 👍
  • 0
    @irene you speak the truth... I still rather play fallout 3 or the OG Doom ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 0
    @C0D4 It's probably not endless. Then it would be smaller.
  • 1
    Wait what? Guys, you are complaining about 100GB of game data but yet expect realitic graphics, realistic sounds and nice gameplay? Yeah, sure...

    Most of the game size is textures and audio. That is it. Why?
    Audio - Ever wondered how many different sounds there are in games nowadays? Older games had 5 tracks and that was it, now there are hundreds of tracks + thousands of sounds....
    Graphics - Well well well, isn't it the pc master race that wants to go full 4k with all the details possible? Yep... The same one. Even on 1080p people are playing on ULTRA settings if their pc can run it... So, I mean, why not to play it on low then if you don't care about graphics? :)

    All in all, 100GB for a game would be huge in previous standards but now when HDD of 1TB costs like 50$.... Even 2TB is 80$.... Yeah, you won't have 1000 games in your pc but then again - why would you?
  • 3
    @irene Well, you see - that is your personal preference. There are exceptions. ALWAYS.

    But please, look at the masses... People will ignore the games if they don't look good... Think about this, how many people ignored stardew valley, minecraft, terraria and all other good/great games that we had. In my personal experience, when I talked about Minecraft capabilites and why it's great for kinds to learn redstone logic there - everyone said that graphics sucks and they won't play it. It just doesn't look nice.

    Then again, we live in the world where looks of everything is no.1 judging criteria...
  • 0
    @bigus-dickus Exactly. These games are made mostly for mass of people. They have looks and they don't care about the experience. This is the reason real gamers enjoy old classical games, rather than new and fresh ones.
  • 0
    My ark installation was 200-250 GB
    And I could ez get higher as every modded map is around 5-10 gigs
  • 0
    @segfault0xff there is procedural generated arks though.

    And what amount of mods do you have?
  • 1
    @irene the new one is awesome!

    I feel like it would benifit from a more stylised look but DOOM eternal looks amazing so all is good I guess
  • 1
    That just means, uh, that it's more of it for you to love
  • 0
    @irene I'm putting that down to video compression just to make myself feel better lol
  • 0
    @theKarlisK Well, games just recently got closer to 100GB mark :) On the other hand, how many of BIG games do you actually play day to day? Personally, I've played 2-3 games AT MAX that were big. Others did come and go as I've rarely played them, they were boring and so on.

    All in all, it's exactly the same that happened years ago when 80-160gb HDD were popural and games got to 5-10 GB each :)
  • 1
    @Codex404 that's for a fresh install, so none.
  • 0
    @segfault0xff if subscribed when doing fresh install it will also download mods.
  • 1
    @Codex404 eh I decided not to install it.. got enough crap on that drive already.
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