When your parents expect you to be tech support and then fucking can't fix it, they get all like "You suck at programming". What does that have to do with fucking anything?!?!?!

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    "that's not how it works,
    that's not how any of this works!"
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    Learn to fix it! Extra skill :)
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    @spl0 it's not that I don't know how, it's their attitude when I don't know how (cause I program, I don't fix computers goddamnit)
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    My family fully understands what programming is.
    They understand I should be able to fix their vehicle just because it has a built in computer.

    Especially because my uncle had gone through this already and had to explain it to them. lol.
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    My mom somehow expects me to know every website and how to use any program because I'm going into computer science... some people...
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