"warranty void if seal is broken"
Me: "seal isn't broken"

  • 11
    And they double their seals...
  • 1
    @norman70688 different. Nearly all have that. For my company usually the cheapest currently available which meets a cpu criteria. L mostly, but different sizes.
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  • 4
    Warranty shouldn't be void by those 2 stickers anyway. They can stick their laptop in the darkest and tightest place of their body if so.
  • 1
    Wtf? If you use a laptop, there's no warranty? That's not even a warranty at that point, it's legal armoring.
  • 1
    In order to use your warranty you have to broke your laptop > in order to broke your laptop, yo have to use your laptop > in order to use your laptop, you need to open the goddamn packaging.
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    I’m pretty sure he was joking. Those tags protect the customer, not lenovo
  • 0
    @jschmold earholes, nostrills, eye sockets.. they do not use any of those right 🤪
  • 0
    @jschmold Forgot to mention the little cramped up space all of those holes end up in: Skull, particularly the brain. Mainly the reason they don't use those anyway..
  • 0
    Straight up gangsta
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