
I just got this eMail: 10 years StackOverflow. How did the developers survived before this? 😱

  • 5
    Simple: They just did their shit. I rarely use Stack Overflow, I don't get what you're talking about. Also, SO isn't the first forum about code whatsoever.
  • 2
    Before SO, we relied on the documentation and a little creativity with problem solving to sort things out.

    Now any man, woman, or bird can be a developer by just copying error messages into google and having the answer spat out from SO.
  • 1
    IRC? mailing list?
  • 1
    I used IRC and Forums.
  • 0
  • 3
    They fucking LEARNT things. The real way. Books, lectures, all that stuff.

    They THOUGHT about stuff back then.
  • 0
    SO has lightened society's cognitive load that's related to the more common (boilerplate-ish) stuff. Now it's easier to think about more advanced stuff.
  • 2
    They probably actually read through their manuals, probing the problem and understanding what caused it and in the meanwhile learning a whole bunch of other stuff and not just fixing the current problem.

    These days we fix problems without understanding what the problem is.
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