Guys, if you still use HDD, then use SSD asap! I regret that I didn't use SSD long time ago.

  • 25

    Sending the invoice.
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    You know the speed difference between the hdd and the ssd is huge?

    (Ssd's are more resiliant to vibrations as well due to the lack of mechanical parts)
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    @0x2142 no noise, less heat
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    There's a reason I picked a 500 GB laptop over a 256 GB SSD laptop with an HDD included

    No, actually, two reasons. I can move my laptop around and risk less damage (none at all) than with an HDD as well.
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    @filthyranter SSD should be less risk than HDD. Right?

    Yes it's super fast! Never been so productive. Yes it's about speed.
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    A good SSD can make more difference than a new CPU tbh, you'll never know yourself
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    Also they are currently quite cheap, you get a quite good Samsung SSD (Evo 860) 1TB for less than 200€.

    I think a year ago prices were about double of this.
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    @frdinawan Exactly what I mean. An SSD has no moving parts.
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    Depends on what you are doing, if you just need a lot of storage, in a server for example, HDDs are usually still the best choice.
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    Servers access network or fiber attached storage residing in purpose-built appliances and clusters presented in logical blocks. They don't generally have more storage inside them than they need to run the operating system. If they're virtual, as the vast majority of servers are now, then their storage is usually 100% network or fiber attached.

    SSD versus HDD is a discussion for servers, but far more, it's relegated to a desktop, consumer-level scope.

    My computers are all SSD/NVME, and the great majority of my storage is in my NAS.
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    @jAsE you can get rather big SSDs quite cheap nowadays. And still, if you want to take advantage of the low price/capacity ratio of HDD, you can have a 512GB SSD with a couple TB HDD. You get the fast speed for the OS, games, development or whatever you would like to speed up, while having the HDD to store bigger files that do not need as much speed, like movies, music, cat pictures, backups etc.
    Also, SSDs have become much more durable in the last years in regards to read/write cycles.
    Definitely give them another try.
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    And yeah, SSDs are much more performant than HDDs. And NVME disks are far more performant than normal SSDs.
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    Had ssd since about 6 years, never had an issue with it.
    At some point my laptop dropped on a marble floor. It lived and so did the ssd.
    Or I was just insanely lucky. Maybe both.
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    @jAsE My Samsung 850 Evo in my PC is 2 years old now and still works like new. You must just be unlucky as fuck.
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    SSDs wouldn't be a good idea for my uses.
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    @jAsE I still use the same SSD since middle 2015.

    Still works like a charm.
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    Not all SSD's though, I have a Samsung Evo SSD and that made everything blazing fast

    But at work I have a kingston and that shit (running Ubuntu) is slower than my Ubuntu VM on my laptop
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    He found the LIGHT! Haha

    Q: You know which OS works great with SSDs?

    Ans: Any Linux distro. 😊
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    I agree about speed, resilience (in the bumps case), but I'm not willing to buy something that I really don't need. The cost is high yet, even if it's comfortable, I prefer to invest my money until my hd dies.

    Recently I bought an I7U because my super old Core 2 Quad HP Laptop died and guess what: despite games/compiling stuff it's pretty much the same. It's very sad to me that our society really needs **THE FANCY STUFF** without even think about, it's a level of consumerism that even a geek retard like me can't fall into.

    "OH, SAVES ME 1 MINUTE OF MY TIME EACH FUZZY SEARCH", yeah, but I spend more than 1 day seeing bullshit sometimes or living through tense situations just because I need money to live (I would prefer to work all day long in my projects, for example).

    I really envy SSD owners, but my time will come (hopefully, haha). :P
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    Everyone should keep in mind, SSDs operate best at less than 60% capacity; they should never be filled.
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    @qwerty77asdf I don't think this is much different for HDDs. The more it fills up, the more sluggish your system becomes.
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    @brano88 Yeah, they still work well it's just their lifespan degrades exponentially with more storage.
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    @iKameo I'll see if I can find it
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    @iKameo my bad, I should withdraw my statements as I cannot find any sources.

    I must be going crazy; I could have sworn I have seen information before including a table of life base on percentage of SSD used...

    Sorry, my bad.

    Obviously 80% is the recommended value generally though https://superuser.com/questions/...
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    I was like FML after using SSD for first time.
    My ATOM startup time was reduced from 2 minutes to fucking 3 seconds.

    FML, why didn't i try one before.
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    I have 5 HDDS and an SSD in my system right now. Care to donate the drives so I can do some replacements? 😂😂😂
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    I love the UI
    After sweating while c++ing in Visual Studio, Atom makes me comfortable to work with PHP and gives a different feel.
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