Devs...bullies have evolved, they don't plunge your head into the toilet anymore, they now guilt trip you to do it yourselves! And you are letting them!!

I know we are all tired of political rants (I know I am) as they tend to fuck up the morale of most of us, but fucking damn it I won't stop saying it, PC has no place in coding.

The big ass douchebag that used to punch you, steal your lunch money and humiliate you does not exist anymore, we have made sure no more violent bullies get their way.

The new kid in the block tho...she is little Cindy, the girl who cries to daddy when shit doesn't go her way, the one that piggyback rides you for free and feels offended so very often just to make mom & dad shut you up...guess what? She is cutting everyone's balls around here.

Cindy is the embodiment of all these PC busybodies who have told you having a dick makes you privileged, videogames make you violent and sexist, being white makes you a racist, master/slave terms are bad in repos, banter is bad, too many males in tech is bad, women can't handle the AC, sexy outfits are bad, sex is bad, offensive this, racist that...all this bullcrap that is as fucked as it sounds and for what?

For the same reason big Billy punched you in the gut: money, power, notoriety and a sense of superiority.

As I've said before, these c*nts are not here to help, they are not here for minorities and they are not here for women. You have no idea how insulting it is for a "minority" to hear you say how we are incapable of handling our workplace, our hobby, our responsibilities, our own fucking feelings and on top of it favouring us for superficial qualities on "inclusivity grounds" which earns us hatred because of an unfair advantage.

Proof? What about stopping blind resumes because they don't go their way?

And these arrogant pieces of shit complain and whine for change because they are incapable of doing it themselves, they are not even open for debate as @Condor and many others can tell you. They won't create their own game, fork their own python version or build their own kernel, heck NO! That might actually take effort! They will piss and moan until you are down on your knees begging for forgiveness and then they'll tell you it's not enough; what happens next? The things they touch start to fall apart...


They are zealots who have never faced real hardships and I have nothing but contempt for them and their prejudice just as I have for the far right (the real one). Devs don't allow yourselves to be whipped by this lazy cowards, we have worked hard to get where we are and we shouldn't give it away just for bragging rights on Twitter and a pat on the back from HR or the media.

We need te recognize and ignore the new bullies on the block.

  • 3
    @Frederick me too buddy, me too...
  • 7
    Hell yeah, I like me some dragons.
    Also I agree with you wholeheartedly on this.

    Especially how they believe minorities can't excel without being 'uplifted' by these pure, pious 'saviours'. Screams racisim & narcissism to me, but what do I know, I'm just a dirty white male.
  • 4
    @Ellis I'm keeping that banana 😂🍻
  • 2
    May I ask why there the llvm tag is?
  • 6
    Great rant. Thank you for your rational thoughts. It's really hard to find some these days.

    Tbh, I just wanted to know what upset my favorite maid. To bad she isn't here to end it all
  • 1
    @Null0x90 I need to gift it 😂
  • 2
    Ooh fuck yeah!! The comment sections are getting littered by SJW's left and right, but boy are the rants getting good!!! I love it. In the absence of AlexDeLarge, Alice and the likes, we really need rants like this more often.

    But I digress... Yeah political correctness.. I hate how it's seeping into technology. And I'm not sure if I'll be able to handle it much longer actually. And how you explain it.. little Cindy, the new bully that used to terrorize our high schools. I think it's beautiful.

    Before I go out and plunge my head into the toilet to hopefully please this or that SJW, have my favorite :3
  • 2
    @JKyll well said man.. PC and all it's fans can fuck themselves in the ass. Sick of it.
  • 1
    @vexusia aww sorry didn't mean to bait I just felt her expression said it all. Sorry the thread was too long maybe next time lol
  • 3
    Had I known her in high school, Cindy would be the girl whose pigtail I'd cut off on picture day, whose locker I'd superglued shut, whose perfume I'd replaced with vinegar, whose tampons I'd replaced with glue sticks, whose head I'd pushed into the drinking fountain, and who I had "accidentally" spiked during volleyball every few matches.

    Oh, Cindy.
    Focusing all of this on you would have been so much fun! 🙂

    But alas, I had to spread out my love amongst many.
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