I won that shirt at a typing contest. Can you BE more nerdy?

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    I want it!
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    Well that's a lie if I've ever seen one
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    I know you can get them from thinkgeek
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    cool! what speed??? wpm? what was the text code or some text?? soo many q's...
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    @darthy It was long ago and not much competition. Nothing planned, just at a tech fair. Type the alphabet as fast as possible. I don't remember my time, but surely not extraordinary.
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    @Gauthier ok cool..blind fast typing is my little obsession...
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    @darthy We can't control what obsesses us ;) I start wondering again if I should try dvorak (or svorak, Swedish version). Or maybe programming dvorak, or programming svorak, if that exists.
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    @Gauthier i was wondring if it can speed up typing after some practice but evantally foxed on qwerty just becouse i wanted to type fast on any keyboard not just mine
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    @darthy What I hear is that it's more comfortable, but many report no increase in speed. It seems also that you shouldn't about not being able to type om qwerty anymore, it's not a problem.
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    @Gauthier well guess so, either way im not a ninja octopus on qwerty yet so... until then i would prefer go that path. I think Bruce Lee said once that he fears not the fighter who trained in 100 kicks but the one who trained one..
    or some bad ass thing like that :)
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