Which is the best and easiest programming language till now??

  • 6
    The easiest programming language for a beginner to learn is Lua.
    The best one does not exist.
  • 10
    The best one is the one most useful to the task.
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  • 7
    Python is pretty simple and straight forward as far as easiest. But yea me telling you which is best could possibly bring back the Holy Wars, it truly is subjective
  • 3
    Best and easy in one question:!!?
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  • 12
    Real men start with assembly
  • 2
    Pascal is designed for beginners to learn programming, but it's very different from C based languages.
  • 7
    The easiest language to learn is obviously Assembly.
  • 2
    @catadoxa I think you mean machine code! which ofc is the easiest and best. Because all other languages is build on it
  • 3
    @mrsulfat Hmm I suppose machine code might be a little easier to learn than assembly. It is simple enough that even a computer can understand it after all.
  • 0
    My opinion:

    Easiest: Ruby
    Best: OCaml
  • 1
    @catadoxa haha and if you can teach modified rock to use it, then it must be pretty easy!
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    C# in my opinion.
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    You know that CPUs can interpret Assembler instructions directly?
    Thats why there is no distinction between machine code and Assembler in my opinion.
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    @mrsulfat The "rock" already knows it ;)
  • 2
    @Gregozor2121 there's a significant distinction: writing directly in machine opcode's avoid all those persky mnemonics. Nobody has time for that!

    Isn't 8B01 just so much clearer than "mov eax, [ecx]" like what?!
  • 3
    Easiest: Python, Go
    Best: Haskell, Rust

    In the current market I'd start off learning Javascript or Python, as they offer the smoothest paths to paying jobs.
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    The reason I said assembly is because you learn about memory allocation/data structures at a low level. Then when you go to C/C++, pointers and collections are easy to grasp because you know how it works already from assembly.
  • 2
    @segfault0xff While it's true that it's useful knowledge, all of the ASM/C/C++/Rust corner is a relatively niche market.

    A well paying niche market, but it's kind of like starting out in expert mode for maximum points.

    I've seen very few "career" devs working in low level languages, it's pretty much always hobbyists who turned their obsession into something professional. The type of person using C does not need to be told "you should really learn C programming", they will find that beautiful pit of hell purely by instinct.
  • 3
    I currently really think Go is the best FIRST language.


    There are nearly zero job positions for Go, but it really eases you into the dev world.

    From Go, you can discover whether you like webdev. Go has the backend/server stuff really deeply baked in, you do not need to learn any framework meta-language. You can put your feet in some HTML to see how warm that pool feels. From there, the talent tree naturally expands into CSS/JS, SQL, etc.

    From Go, you can also easily get a feel for command line scripts, for data science, for devops stuff. With the syntax being so much like memory-safe-C-shaped-as-Python-modules, the path opens up to both systems programming and machine learning.

    Go is a bad entrypoint though when you already know you want to make something visual, like GUI desktop apps or good looking web frontends.

    In that case, pick that other swiss army knife: Javascript, from where you can fondle around into Node, Electron or one of the mobile app frameworks.
  • 1
    Try some symbolic language like Mathematica
  • 1
    Why dont you try HTML? 😂
  • 1
    @deadPix3l You had me in stitches!
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