We can't use a db so they give us a xlsx with this in one cell


some others if


  • 3
    Wow how impractical.
  • 4
    @MrJimmy you can't even immagine, 464 brackets to close , and that's the maximum i got from the tab beofre crashing
  • 7
    That's some AI right there
  • 9
    Can’t use a db? But abuse excel and make it a db 🤔 am I missing something or what?
  • 1
    @MrJimmy it's not difficult to write a script that creates those dependencies based on some kind of internal db.
  • 1
    Here, Microsoft, take some Ruby. It's shiny.
  • 3
    I'd write my own DB if I ever had to use Excel again. I'd call it "Not Excel".
  • 0
    @MrJimmy you can't even immagine , though thanks to the litres of blood lost to write...that..and also interconnect with other 27 sheets with "dinamically typed" variables #FFS
  • 1
    "Is this lisp?"
  • 3
    @BGordley i'd call it Incel.
    same meaning, more funny
  • 1
    Use access 🔥
  • 0
    I would of gone for access or is that classed as a DB I guess. Tables with links do make a DB. I would look else ware for a job that company will limits growth with that kind of solutioning
  • 0
    @Midnigh-shcode You might be on to something here.
  • 1
    @1init Everything that holds data is a db. Even excel on it's own. Not a relationship one (if you just dump data in and not categorise it somehow) not sql one & certainly not the best one, but db nontheless..
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