
Guys, I'm refactoring a server code from es5 to es6 and I would like to know how to get es6 errors like when I'm working with React. I have installed babel, and I can compile es6 code but I get errors that target the es5 (compiled) code so it's not easy to find the bug sources

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    Ignore output files.
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    @Codex404 Please, can you explain me what you mean ?
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    @Orionss the tool that checks eS6 files should ignore your output file directory. Depending on the tool you use it will be different
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    @Codex404 OK there's a confusion in my post : replace the "(compiled)" by "(un compiled)", I was tired 😂
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    What in ES5 is not valid ES6 btw? And why having tow standards?

    Either way you can add an ignore comment to those files/sections. Depending on the tool the syntax of those comments are different.
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