
It’s that time again. I should be sleeping and instead I’m on here delirious with toothache and the dread of the dentist later.

So have a face reveal thread.

  • 3
    Cute shirt, cure beard!

    Paramol is my saviour for toothache. Plus alcohol and your choice of classified drugs. I HAVE to have midazolam when I go to the dentist 😭 and I'm pretty insensitive to that.
  • 1
    @nate grim. I’ve been on an antibiotic course for a week ready for extraction.

    You should get on the face train tho.
  • 9
    The squid was a fun extension of my fly-as-fuck outfit that day.
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    @Brolls @Brolls Yeah it gets super expensive as NHS don't do it. I was spoiled with NOS when I was a kid. What do you need doing?

    Once I've got my new job! I'm a bit paranoid about new employer being tainted by thoughts on new employer! The downside of using a real name.
  • 2
    @Brolls fit to fuck amirite
  • 1
    @Brolls Have you been to V*1*9? Ignore me if i'm talking nonsense 😂
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    @nate I have not. Google is proving useless. I’m intrigued.
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    @Brolls *phew* wondered if you might have been to my night work haha 😂... i'm not making any assumptions, not trying to be rude!
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    @nate what is it? A bar? Google doesn’t find anything for it...
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    @Brolls I mean, yeah, there is a bar! Not far from UCL. Not sure I should say much more!
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    @nate go onnnnnnnnnn. I’m curious now, and I’m in London on Tuesday 👀
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    @Brolls I think I've misjudged 😂 no offence! Or maybe just somewhere you've not come across.
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    @nate no assumptions. Just tell me what it is already. Or at least the proper name so I can google it. Nothing shocks me. I’m quite partial to lockerroom in Kennington myself.
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    @Brolls I work the Vault 139 bar 🍻 just for fun!
  • 1
    @nate aha. I’d always wanted to go see that one!
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    @nate you dirty bird :p not sure it’s my scene mind. The photos on the site aren’t exactly... representative. 😂
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    @Brolls Try it sometime!
  • 1
    @nate working Tuesday?
  • 2
    @Brolls No... but it could be arranged...
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    @nate aha. I travel to London every fortnight at the moment for work. Gonna get there around noon on Tuesday, but free all day. You could either work, or we could be like the cool kids and have a fun devrant London meet :)
  • 1
    @Brolls Free all day! What kinda work is that? Where do you suggest the meet would be 😉
  • 1
    @nate I’m working Wednesday. I travel down the day before to relax and so the train is cheaper. I get into King’s Cross. Could meet there and take it from there?
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    @Brolls Whereabouts are you staying? How compos mentis do you need to be Wednesday?
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    @nate with a friend in Colindale. But can do what I please / stay where I please I suppose lol. He might even come out for the night if I can convince him to be sociable.
  • 2
    @Brolls I'm in canary wharf 🤷‍♂️ Where, and how compos mentis, do you need to be Wednesday? Friends welcome.
  • 2
    @nate Wednesday I need to be in Moorgate for 10. I can be a little rough lol. It’s just a meeting.

    Kik me: SarcasticSausageroll
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    @Brolls "nothing shocks me" always sounds like a challenge ahaaaa ⛓
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    You look exactly like your devRant Avatar
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    @Charon92 dammmn my thirsty-self can’t handle some of y’all on here.
  • 7
    That's me. Nice meeting you all "face to face" 😂
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    @Jilano Dude your avatar looks exactly like you lol
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    I guess you can't post here if you don't have a beard. :(
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    @nikolatesla sure you can. Though given your username you better have a pretty suave moustache.
  • 5
    This is me, thinking at leisure, not that I have that much.
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    @cervantes01 note the brave attempt at hiding my beer gut lol
  • 2
    That's me. Nice thread by the way
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    @Jilano this makes your and rutee's interactions way easier to be put into character.
  • 1
    @Ranchonyx Isn't Jilano and Rutee the same person?
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