
Me (Km) - I develop android applications in my company.
TM - Dumbest technical manager taking care of backend for company products(app).
PM - Product Manager

Incident - PM went to some event to give demo on our App but due to some backend issue there was wrong data for his account. PM reported this TM. And the conversation between Me and TM went like this.

TM : Km app is not working for PM, its not showing anything to him.

Me : Okay let me check...

I logged in with PM credential and checked the logs and i found that there was some error message saying that there was no data. I copy-pasted the error message to TM.

After few minutes (TM added dummy data to PM account)...

TM : Km app is working now, what was the issue for not working previously ?

Yes she asked me like this even though it was related backend issue.

Me : Its backend issue...!

TM : But I did'nt change anything at backend.

Me : Neither I, I did'nt build new APK and uploaded to Crashlytics Beta and he(PM) is not using new build.

I copy-pasted the previous error message again and asked her (TM)

Me : Why was this error message coming ?

TM : There was some wrong data for his account, So i added some dummy data.

Me : (FacePalm) How come its not called as change in Backend.

The worst part is TM still thinks it not a backend issue.

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