I hardly use Windows, but had to book tickets using my friend's laptop who only had Windows.
So I switch on my mobile data, and the stupid shit just ate up all my data in updating Windows without even asking for permission 😣
Learnt my lesson

  • 9
    How the fuck do you Linux users have such a hard time with such a simple OS.

    Jesus Christ you can use some unnecessarily difficult and annoying as fuck OS but the moment you have to use one simple enough old people and kids can use it, it's like you fucking go brain dead or something.

    You people are something special lol
  • 3
    It's not about it being difficult to use, but how much control it actually gives, there are obviously certain things which are easier to do in Windows and u know it's great when almost all software have Windows version. But you got to admit the auto update feature of Windows 10 is annoying
  • 1
    It's a matter of setting it up - you can ask it to only download updates after confirmation and you can set a connection as metered.
  • 0
    @kamen I'm sure you can set it up, but Windows comes set up, so the user barely has to do any configration, so when you actually want to configure it yourself it's utterly annoying and anything, but simple.
  • 0
    well, for a piece of software figuring out if it's connected to a smartphone or a proper router should be doable. there're like a ton of flags and indicators about that! and still, when connecting to a new network, it could simply ASK fgs!

    same happened to me months ago... freaking 4G, it killed GBs in minutes
  • 3
    @Stuxnet The cost of it being "simple" is that it does stupid shit you don't want it to. This is a valid complaint, and I don't feel it deserves your response.
  • 3
    @Stuxnet Because Linux users are used to their operating system being a tool that they control. Windows on the other hand thinks it knows best and does what it wants when it wants to. Maybe there are settings to influence it to a small degree buried somewhere but a lot of good that’s going to do you on the “windows is installing updates” screen. As I recall that screen doesn’t even have a cancel button. And besides it probably downloads updates silently in the background before even notifying you of them anyway, so your data is used up before you even realize it.

    Great fucking operating system. 👍👍
  • 2
    @Stuxnet You’re missing the point. The task is irrelevant. It’s the fact that the OS itself is getting in the way of that task by forcing you to install updates at the worst possible time, with no ability to abort it.
  • 2
    @devios1 Shhhh. I deleted my comment for a reason. I'm not having this discussion. It's like two brick walls talking to each other: we both have our opinions and we're not changing.

    Have a nice day and please don't continue the discussion. It's pointless.
  • 1
    @Stuxnet Hey whatever man. I don’t like platform wars any more than you do. But you’re the one who brought it up.
  • 3
    @Stuxnet *fires shots at Linux users then ducks out of the argument*. Strong move
  • 1
    @jackhartley I gave my opinion.
    Had a response.
    Decided to answer response.
    Realized answering response would start another one of those stupid ass Linux vs Windows discussions and hijack the OPs rant.
    Deleted comment.
    And now we're here.

    I'm not dipping after the "shots" i fired (weak definition of shots). I'm dipping to prevent stupid shit like this my man.

    So again I say, have a nice day and just fucking drop it.
  • 2
    @Stuxnet I think a sensible human would perceive your original comment to be fairly combative, hence "shots fired". The original post was far less so, so all I see is you shitting on Linux users.

    If that wasn't your intention, a simple apology would've ended it. Acting like you do now makes you seem arrogant and cowardly: telling people to "shh", and "drop it", or what motherfucker? You act like a dick, I'm gonna call you on it.
  • 2
    @Stuxnet I don't go around shitting on Windows users, and if I did I'd get ready to argue properly. That's my position. I don't mind if you rant about Linux, but ranting about Linux users (with no qualification) is asking for it.
  • 1
    @Stuxnet 100% agree.

    Devs ranting about an OS is like a swimmer ranting about water used in the pool...

    Get over it >.<
  • 1
    @mrrmc I agree to a certain extent, but if devs aren't passionate about quality of software then what hope has the industry got?
  • 2
    @jackhartley problem is people think windows is bad quality software when they just dono how to use it.

    I don't jump into a linux box, get lost with tryna run a program from the cli then call linux a piece of crap.

    They are both great tools.

    I feel like people get a kick out of ranting about windows when they're actually (in my mind) making a fool of themselves.
  • 1
    @mrrmc I'll take your word for it, could never figure out how to make Windows not a pain in the ass to use
  • 1
    @mrrmc I’m sorry bit Windows is actually a piece of crap. I don’t wanna rain on your parade but let’s be fair and call a spade a spade.

    Unix is a beautiful operating system, and Linux gets much of its greatness from it.

    But Windows is a garbage heap of shitty hacks thrown on top of one another and then bug-fixed until it sorta works well enough that most people won’t notice.

    If you honestly believe Windows is a good operating system, then all I can do is feel sorry for you, because honestly using Windows is enough of a punishment unto itself.
  • 0
    @devios1 wow what a factual - well thought out arguement.

    Well played sir 😂😂😂
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