23 joins in one SQL query, aliased from a to t kill me now.

  • 1
    lol reminds me of a SENIOR CTO that once said a similar sentence to me
  • 0
    We must push graph databases!!
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    When people ask me if i prefer backend or frontend dev I prefer backend, but I dont necessarily enjoy doing those queries and admittedly am quite good with frontend as well.

    What do you say in that situation since most queries you use as a backend dev (for me at least) are not 200+ line monsters?

    Just now you get put on 'backend' dev writing that shit for the rest of your life 😋
  • 0
    Use an ORM(Object relation mapper)
  • 5
    We have a 3000 line SQL monster.. don't want to say more about it, because it gives nightmares even if i'm only talking about it 😵
  • 12
    3000 line query? @elzdev
    What exactly are you querying?
    The answer to existence ?
  • 5
    @m0nk the answer to existence would be way shorter IMO

    (what's the shortest way to declare an empty string in sql anyway?)
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    If you re-arrange it you could spell out some awesomeness right there.
  • 1
    Generated query?
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    @m0nk First: it's not mine.
    The coworker who wrote this, explained me as follow:
    It's an analytics query over all data in our software for the bosses of our customers.
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