Can't wait to get a dev girlfriend,
make her my {World},
then start learning new languages even the weird ones so that I can do
~Hello {Her Name}~

  • 3
    Saying hello in Alice will be like attached picture lol:

    Pic From Youtub Video: Alice Programming Beginner: Lesson 3 Do Together and Do In Order
  • 4
    @FahadAlt need more pink
  • 1
    @Cheeseus maybe we need to call @alice for the more pink
  • 3
    I can confirm, that this is the best kind of GF. I asked mine at 00:20 a webdev question while laying in bed and 5 minutes later we sat in front of my code, solving the problem. 😂
  • 2
    @MrMarlin now I want a GF 💔
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