So as some of you may know from my previous rants I am recently single, and it occured to me that that means I can move, like, anywhere. And I think I might just do that. I'm currently in in Utah, USA, living about 50 miles from where I was raised, and I'm kinda sick of it.

Sooooo... Suggestions? I have been thinking about maybe the UK or Germany, or if I stay in the US maybe San Diego, Denver, or New York City, but I am open to many possibilities. What do you guys think?

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    I live in the DC area and like it :)
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    @KittyGainz DC crossed my mind too, although being that close to the White House it might be too tempting to break in and throttle a certain idiot.
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    @catadoxa heheheh that’s why I love a good solid length away from the DC beltway 😁
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    Texas is nice :P some parts are fucking boiling, but some others have nice weather and a pretty cool dev scene like Austin.

    :D i love my state, but there are a lot of cool places out there man!
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    I am in mexico city now, many hot girls, good food. Good place if you wanna yolo and work remote.
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    Stay the fuck out of the UK. Its slowly turning into nazi Germany and the soviet union combined with a nanny state smokescreen.
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    @meladath Yeah lots of things going on in the UK, and Europe in general for that matter, make me a little bit concerned about that idea. On the other hand, lots of things going on in the US make me concerned too ... Why is the world so stupid right now?

    Oh wait, it's always been pretty fucking stupid.
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    @nurked I lived in Miami for about 7 months when I was attempting grad school. Not really convinced I liked it. My conceptions might be tainted by the fact that it resulted in me dropping out of grad school, breaking it off with a fiance, and sinking into a deep depression though.
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    @nurked Also I am very familiar with California, and though I can agree with LA being a bit of a disaster and I have zero interest in Silicon Valley there are some great places there. I haven't spent much time in San Diego proper but I've been in the greater area and loved it.
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    @nurked Haha fair enough. I was also really disappointed with the beaches though. I need me some real waves when I swim in the ocean, otherwise what's the point?
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    Germany and other european countries are mostly nice to live in. (Well, I like it here. ^^" Sadly, I've never been to the US, so I can't really compare. :( ) The weather in Germany itself is the most time OKish and there are great places and landscapes around here.

    Depending on your preferences you can live in more or less urban areas, though in terms of Internet connectivity urbanized areas are heavily preferred, also you'd most likely find a job there.

    Coming from an english-speaking country it'd be a bit easier to learn the language, also.

    (I don't like not go into politic climate - let's just say, it's probably getting more conservative atm because of the population age ratio - and we have the same right-wing populist tendencies other european countries also have been through in the last couple of years.)
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    Avoid the UK unless you plan on in living in London, Manchester or Liverpool.
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    Reporting the person who said Florida..gotta do NYC if only for a little while
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    @meladath your comment triggered memories of 'V for Vendetta' :P
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