I'm curious how many people on DevRant use GoLang.

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    does learning count as using?
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    count me in
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    I want to learn it sometime in the next few months. Heard a lot of good about it.
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    What do you guys use it for? I use it as a pre loader for my main applications. The pre loader downloads all the needed stuff and keeps the app up to date. Small efficient native stub.
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    I'm deciding whether I should learn it or learn Python instead. Any suggestions?
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    @enchance it depends on what your project(s) are. I like to use Python for smaller projects, since its duck typed and doesn't compile. When projects get larger, you'd probably want to use a compiled language.

    But on the other hand, Python can work if you write lots of tests and have good code coverage. I don't want to come off as being an absolutist 😝
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    @benrooke No, please go on. What else can you tell me about the two?
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    @enchance If you want to tell me what you want to learn more about, I could provide some information.

    If you are not a fan of OO programming, Go might be more suitable (there are no objects). In Python, everything is an object! But one could easily get away with writing Python without using classes, much like what the YouTube development team did with their backend.
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    @benrooke Didn't know Go wasn't OOP. I'm using PHP right now so I'm guessing Python. What kind of software does Go make?
  • 1
    @enchance for starters docker!!!
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