Why feel the need to call them dashboards, platforms, web apps?

They're websites

  • 5
    The majority of people I know think of websites as WordPress
  • 4
    Describing your work as such makes you sound more important.
  • 1
    @bahua It's not about importance. It is about the skill involved.
  • 9
    Web site - selling and marketing
    Dashboard - convey information quickly with numbers, graphs, and/or glyphs
    Platform - base to build something on
    Web application - an application but instead of it being a compiled executable it runs off the local machine; the browser is the GUI or it could only API then it might function like CLI or C-style calls.
  • 4
    A website can be an app, a dashboard, whatever the website does for you.

    Why call them websites when they are just a text document that does stuff?
  • 3
    I just ++ed this rant because of the tag.
  • 2
    @Santaclauze I ++ed your comment for the same reason .
  • 0
    Why use any tags?

    Just use undefined.
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