
Is it normal to get proposals like "look at x.com , we need exact replica with exact features. Build front end, back end and make it live."

  • 3
    Yup, it happened to me last week.
  • 0
    @JavaPorn I too was thinking the same thing.

    Just a question though , how does javaporn work? It doesn't even have pointers...
  • 2
    That request should go to a project manager, who would then need to collect requirements from the client. Requirements other than copyright infringement.
  • 0
    @bahua we are a small company bidding for projects on Upwork and unfortunately my project manager passes such proposals onto me.
  • 1

    You should still be able to push back, I suppose, to your PM. It's not a workable project, and would expose you(not the client) to legal trouble.
  • 1
    At least not the same name 😪
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