
YES!! I've just convinced my home supervisor to switch to Linux 😁

  • 5
    I hope you let him start with arch
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    d'Arch side
  • 4
    Did someone say arch?
  • 14
    @git-fuckyou @Haxk20 @xewl @lxmcf I've recommended him Mint as a start.. Arch may be a bit too much for someone who once told me that he tried to format C: to make his PC faster πŸ˜…
  • 3
    What is a home supervisor?
  • 7
    @bahua someone who visits me every week to ensure that I'm doing well and assists in things that I need some help with. So for me it'd be getting a driver's license (however due to me realizing just how much mandatory car insurance costs, I've been considering to just build my own electric bike) and since recently the idea of getting a cat. But for others it could include learning how to cook, clean, do grocery shopping, and other household chores like that.
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    @arch_users Good luck for when the next kernel upgrade breaks the hardware drivers!

    P.S. Arch user myself!
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    @Condor Zit gij onder begeleid wonen? ö
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    @xewl yep πŸ˜… voor de residentie waar ik nu woon is dat of gepensioneerd zijn blijkbaar een vereiste. En het helpt met de dingen die ik zelf nog niet zo bekend mee ben natuurlijk.
    @kai18 that among other reasons is why I compile my own kernels πŸ™‚
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    Is that Flemish?
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    @Condor Fair enough :')
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    @Condor, Flemish looks like someone took German, doubled half of the vowels and threw some j, k and z letters into the mix
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    I would think arch users would all compile their own.
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    @Orni Doubled half of the vowels? So, just kept the exact same number of vowels?
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    @bahua except the holy Arch Wiki is not so holy when it comes to custom kernels 😜 so many don't even know how to do it in the first place. I've found that custom kernels is more of a Gentoo thing.
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    @julianmd no selected half of the vowels and doubled them. So 1.5 times the original vowels. Like war -> waar
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    When I started playing with linux in 1998, compiling the kernel was one of the first things I learned, using Redhat 5.2. I didn't even know what most of the commands were doing.

    cd /usr/src/linux-<version>

    make mrpropr

    make menuconfig #pick your hardware and desired features

    make -j 2 bzImage # for my dual celerons on my Abit BP6

    Copy bzimage to the kernel version you want. Copy the system.map over too, and update lilo. That's what I did in the '90s. I can't imagine a lot has changed since then.
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    aeiou -> 5 vowels
    Select half = 2.5
    Double them = 5

    Half != 1.5
    Half = 0.5

    What am I missing here?
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    @xewl Haha ging dat net vragen :P
  • 1

    I am a person

    4 vowels
    Select 2: first a and the e in person
    Double those two

    I am a person -> I aam a peerson

    Now has 6 vowels, 6/4 =1.5

    Yeah that is confusing sorry
  • 3
    @bahua At least in Arch, most of that still applies yes. Nowadays I end up doing a make localmodconfig to get the machine to generate a sample config for me though, so that I wouldn't have to deal with too many of the options that I'd otherwise have to manually select in make nconfig. For the final build process I usually use make -j$(nproc) so that I wouldn't have to think too much about how many cores I happen to have in the machine.. helps with scripts too. I've never actually had to deal with placing System.map though, usually the compiled kernel just works without that. What purpose does it serve?
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    @Orni Translation: ik ben een persoon. So 2 vowels have been added to the sentence, without much else. Is it really okay to objectify a language like that?
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    @Orni It's not, I'm sure it's just the beer inside that's talking. Thanks for the explanation πŸ˜… I get it now
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    @Condor can't tell if you're joking or not
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    @Orni Well Dutch is a fairly complex language with all kinds of exceptions all over the place. So it's a fairly complicated language.. and while there's a few general rules of thumb, double of half the vowels of German words sure ain't one of them.
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    @Condor well yeah definitely. Just saying that's what it looks like, from my limited knowledge of German.
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    I really don't know. It looks like a KVS-style list of registers and values. I thought maybe it may have been a relic of lilo, and no longer in use today with grub, but my ubuntu machine has them.

    I always tried to avoid using modules when I used to compile my kernel, as I wasn't going to be moving the kernel from the machine where I configured and compiled it to any others. So I always just compiled in support for everything I used, and eschewed modules altogether.
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    Native Dutch speakers, in my experience, are the best non-native English speakers in the world.
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    @bahua Personally I tend to modularize a couple of things, but yeah with a setup tailored at a single specific use case (such as most servers), the use of that could be questioned yes.. particularly since custom kernels (unlike the bloated distribution crap that just includes everything it could possibly include without causing config conflicts) are generally very lightweight. I've once built a fully custom Linux system based on the 4.x series that took no more than 13MB in RAM, without any modules whatsoever.. that 13MB was the entire kernel and only 1 more MB on disk was busybox :3
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