
So... I have a technical test today (in 7 hours) as part of a job interview. I have a lot of experience in Java but none in TDD or test automation.

I'm pretty sure they use TDD, so they'll probably value it in my review.

Should I try to learn some TDD in the next two hours and apply it in my technical test?

or Should I not, avoiding messing all up and go with my tools and skills totally honest?

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    At least read up on it but don't try to fake your way through the test. You'll be better off being honest.

    If you fake it and get the job, you'll look like a fool later. If you fake it and they see through you, you'll look like a fool right away.

    If your honest and they see potential but room for improvement, you'll be locked and loaded for success.
    $grainOfSalt = true;
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    tdd usually won't be tested in a technical test.

    it's just away of devloping software and i rarely see company using it properly even they all claim to use tdd.
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    @CodeMonkeyG Yeah I mean, I wouldn't try to deceive anyone. If I try to write tests and stuff I would comment that I don't know it but at least tried it.

    In fact, in the phone interview I said that I did not have experience with test automation; but I was wondering if I should give it a try but I think I would risk end up with everything incomplete.
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    Just read a bit about it. Things like why it's good and if it has some caveats.

    You aren't going to learn testing in few hours. But you can learn basics in few days while working. You shouldn't try to fake it.

    If they ask you questions like how you could improve yourself, answer that you are lacking testing skills. Add in things that are good in testing and express your willingness to learn it. That's at least how I got my current job!
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    Don’t forget to check on Glassdoor.com

    Also I’ve had interviews in which I’ve had to write a bunch of unit tests. As for TDD it’s usually more a conversational topic.
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