
A brilliant article that talks on the state of internet

The Bullshit Web - https://pxlnv.com/blog/...

Tldr: as internet speed increased, page loading time did not decrease because the extra bandwidth is being stuffed with unnecessary big scripts and autoplaying videos.

AMP is nothing more than a business tactic by Google

  • 2
    @Raamakrishnan @Floydian
    Quite an interesting article, thanks!
  • 3
    Very interesting read, thanks for sharing! 😊
  • 6
    Relevant website: https://brutalist-web.design/

    (somebody here posted this, but forgot who)
  • 2
    I'm out and about running errands, will take a peak soon though
  • 3
    Well-written article.
    Thanks for the link!
  • 3
    @jonii great stuff, thanks for sharing! I like the idea behind Brutalist Web Design.. hopefully it'll become a reality one day 🙂
  • 4
    @Floydian @Floydian @Floydian @Floydian @Floydian @Floydian @Floydian @Floydian @Floydian @Floydian @Floydian @Floydian @Floydian @Floydian @Floydian @Floydian @Floydian @Floydian @Floydian @Floydian @Floydian @Floydian @Floydian @Floydian @Floydian @Floydian @Floydian @Floydian @Floydian @Floydian @Floydian @Floydian
  • 5
    @hubiruchi there's nothing like a Good Night @Floydian though 😛
  • 4
    @RantSomeWhere that's a great idea actually! If @Floydian is okay with it, let's make it happen 😎
  • 1
    @Floydian @jase Lol
  • 2
    So very interesting! Kudos!

    Each time someone from marketing comes over for yet another tracking code or ad stuff to be added, I cry a little inside, but not much I can do about it sadly enough..

    Its insane how blazingly fast the Web can be these days, if one takes a minimal approach to css/js/images...
  • 2
    Nice article. Thanks!
  • 3
    Cheers for sharing the article @Raamakrishnan
    Cheers for the tag @Floydian

    I was already aware of most the points being made. I love Vue and the counterparts for other reasons, but mostly avoid them when I can.

    The actual network has also grown dramatically in size of course.. It doesn't mean there was no clutter in the old days... there was just a limit on quality, and still people put 420 BMP and GIF files in tables with various "web safe" colors...

    In some respect we became better. The quantity and availability has lots to do with all of this too...

    I expect there will be a middleground to be reached.
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    @AlexDeLarge he is like "Mir ist das Scheissegal"

    (yes I just learned the word Scheissegal and wanted to use it )
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    Shubh ratri @Floydian

    (Translation: Good night)
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    @Codex404 Then you may also like "fick dich ins Knie" (literally: "fuck yourself in the knee"), which is a nice way to close a discussion. ;-)
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    @AlexDeLarge Somewhere people got the idea that quoting other people would make other people more likely to accept their ideas.

    Lewis Carroll, writing under his real name, Charles Dodgeson? (I never remember how the last name is spelled) had a hilarious rant about fooling people by using statistics: it doesn't matter what the statistics are, but you must provide statistics frequently when you are in charge or people will get suspicious about what you are doing. So remember to make frequent reports with some sort of statistics, and throw random quotes in your articles and most people will be happy with you.
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    @jonii it's not good look and nice UI that makes websites fat, so making them ugly is not the solution.

    @joykill I have a website for a project, and despite being fully responsive and CSS and ARIA and shit, the landing page weighs 33 kB (yes, kilo) over the line, counted with gzip compression, and that is already with a picture.
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    @Codex404 @GoogleAssistant was useful as usual when I asked her what that means 🙃 so ehm.. what does it mean?
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    @Condor I'd translate "ist mir scheißegal" as "I fucking don't care". Where English swearing uses "fuck", the German version uses "Scheiße" (shit) as basis.
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    @AlexDeLarge I learnt it from a song of a band from Cologne (Kasalla) and it is written as Scheissejal over there,

    I know the "g" is in Kölsch replaced by a "j", so I replaced that to try to make it correct xD
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    AMP is the only way to get the marketing and bizdev guys to be okay with "let's take out all our BS autoplaying videos". It encourages the race to the bottom by excluding all the cruft if you want to be in the carousel.
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    @AlexDeLarge Dutch, but Im learning German slowly and Ive got friends from Bonn who study in Cologne. A few months ago I went to Rhein im Flammen where there where all local bands.

    My friend his friends where suprised a Dutch person would come to Germany for a festival of one day where there is only local bands... But I love music and language and especially the local language/accents.

    My Dutch friends call me "half a German" :)
  • 1
    @AlexDeLarge sure will remember that :D
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