
So, I recently added a new feature to our app which allows the user to rotate/crop the image before being uploaded to our server, and we have an option to upload pdfs as well, so when I gave this feature (rotate/crop image) out for testing, the tester in our organization tells me where's the option to rotate the pdf? And I'm like where have you seen someone rotating a pdf? He's like that's the reason why we need to have it. And now the PM wants me to add that in the next release, after explaining them for 30 mins that pdfs don't rotate, they tell me to do a proper research on it and then revert. 🙃

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    I guess you'll just have to convert that PDF to an image then, rotate the image, and for download, just give them the original unrotated PDF?

    Or just fuck off and find a PM that works... :P
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    Wasn't there in the SRS, also converting each page in the pdf to an image and asking them to rotate it is just stupid. Will explain my case and politely say no! If it somehow turns into a must have feature, I'll fuck off.
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