
!rent !dev
Grim sad story..
Soo... the brother off my mother died today. He is in another country.
I don't have a passport right now since it has just expired and the new one didn't arrive yet.
Would need a visa anyway.
It's thursday. So even if we get an emergency passport timorrow, i would need to go to another city for the visa. And the agency works only in the morning so earliest I could get the visa is monday since ofc they don't work on saturday.
My dad has a similar problem.
My brother can't go. He wouldn't need a visa but his work doesn't consider this as a close enough relative to let him go for longer then a day.
Traveling there takes 28h. No direct flights and the cheap ones are striking.
so my mum has to go alone and we can't come to support her...

So much burocracy bs.
Such bullshit.
Also they won't give an emergency visa without the certificate of death. Which we don't have since the cause of death i still unknown and the autopsy is tomorrow...
This sucks on so many levels...

  • 2
    I'm sorry for your loss and I wish your family all the support in this time(:
    Hopefully you can figure this out, so somebody can join your mother
  • 1
    I'm sorry for your lost. Keep a strong attitude. This world is so fucked up...
  • 1
    @jonii @isawen thanks. It looks like my dad will try to get a visa tomorrow so they can go together. I'll keep an eye on their house and cats.
  • 2
    sudo renew passport
    sudo get visa
  • 0
    @ViRaS new creditcard has been received.
  • 1
    @oudalally thank you for your kind words. I've been taking care of their house noe and their cat with its kittens. Being around cute kittrns one cannot br sad for long. So that helps.
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    @oudalally so far they mostly played with each other and their mum. The only kitten left occasionally jumps my legs but is very tame. She doesn't claw hard when played with and even purrs already when pet and snuggles up to me a little. I'm going to cry when we have to give hr away.
    Her mum is stressed tho xD
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