Dapper or Entity framework ?????

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    Never heard of Dapper and used EF once or twice, subscribing for more information
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    A quick google search later. EF for sure, I dont want to write my own queries
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    I used ef core a lot and I can tell you it's really good, but I dunno about dapper
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    For quick CRUD you could use EF. I would recommend Dapper however, because you have more control.

    To use a quote of someone; Use EF is you don't care about the database, use Dapper of you do.
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    @Big-R with EF you have full controll over the database as well though
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    @Codex404 It's an ORM, you never have full control over the database. I still don't know why people prefer to learn a DSL, when SQL is not hard and it's actually a very useful language.
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    @kpenc Laravel their ORM gives me full control over the database. So does EF. Youju st need to know the ORM.
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