
Today I told my lead developer that I liked star wars episode 8.

I got grilled pretty hard.

Like, I can drop a db and the motherfucker ain't gon give a fuck. But God forbid a mofocka likes episode 8.

That is a big no no to him.

Manager had told me that I should keep that opinion of the movie to myself.

Lesson learned.

  • 6
    But it was pretty good. Tf is his problem?
  • 9
    I liked it
    But then there’s that group that compare everything to the original trilogy and won’t accept change.
  • 3
    @Stuxnet basically, his issue was that it was way too different from the original characters. He had an issue with the way Luke was and would not hear anything else other than what the "die hard" fanbase says
  • 4
    @C0D4 yup, that was exaaaactly his issue with it.
  • 7
    @AleCx04 I'mma be that guy....

    The original trilogy isn't that good.

    Don't get me wrong, episodes 1-3 aren't amazing either.

    But the original is overrated by the diehards.
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    Liked it a lot also, and I've been a SW fan since before the prequels.

    I liked how they changed things up, but some people just want more of the same, I guess.
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    @spongessuck but also how long can they stretch out the same story line? Theres 9 more movies to be made afaik.... please change the story, theres literally loads of cannon, why stick to one story?
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    We got the same war going with Fallout factions - I'm pro BOS, my boss is pro-Institute. Our DBA is a trekkie.

    I guess that's just nerds being nerds.
  • 2
    Episode 8 was a big cluster fuck! Not because it was different. It was fuck because of this shitty story and really butt hurt story telling! So much didn't made any sense. The whole story was non sense! Episode 8 is the reason I won't watch any SW Movie in Cinema again.
  • 3
    Look, Episode 8 had some great visuals, and I loved the ice foxes, but from a story perspective it was highly incongruent, within the trilogy arc as well as just within the movie it self. If you stop to analyze the story you realize that it undercuts it's own messages. It feel like the writers or director got so caught up in the concept of subverting expectations that they overplayed their hands.
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    @ilPinguino same here, ad victoriam!
  • 1
    @geaz I feel the same. Episode 8 was what weened me off of Star Wars. I just can’t be bothered with this over-commercialized shit anymore.
  • 2
    I haven't watched episode 7 and 8 because of the same reason. I may not like them.

    I didn't like episode 1,2 either. Episode 3 was just bearable. I also didn't like episode 5 much too
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