
Have been working on a frontend with actual stats for the DNS server I'm building. This is the result so far (real stats, red blocked domains are marked by me (in redis) as surveillance domains), thoughts?menu

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    @Haxk20 Thanks! Any suggestions?
    And yeah, couldn't think of much else and wanted a title anyways :P
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    What language did you use for the server? How'd you learn about DNS? Other impls ? The spec?
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    Ironically, Google's documents on material design is pretty good. Idk where else one would get that. But it comes with great tips of what to think about when styling and doing layouts. How to choose colors etc.

    I know it's probably not for you, but it's over at material.io

    But yeah. I don't think you're going there :p
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    @beegC0de PHP, I've been working with domains for ages and work at a hosting company.
    Impls? 😅 and what kinda specs?

    @BigBoo I don't like material design much anyways but nope indeed ;P
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    @linuxxx you said you were building a DNS and I'm asking how you're going about it :) Do you just know the functions of a DNS by heart now?
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    @beegC0de Yeah I know, I answered :). define the functions?
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    @linuxxx so are you implementing the DNS protocol + server yourself? Or using a library and adding some administration functionality?
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    Nos.nl dutch news site is spying nowadays??
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    @resdac @Condor Nope it's not spyware, it's just easy and fast to type and that's useful for testing :D

    Will be open sourced when complete ;)

    @beegC0de Took another php dns server implementation and extended that one. Not just some library and some administrator functionality, I wrote the database/blocking/filtering parts myself and yes also the administration.
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    Can't wait until you release it!
    Looks awesome!
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    @Haxk20 Have been working on the management side for an hour now, backlisting/whitelisting domains works!
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    Looks a bit like Pi-hole
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    @linuxxx wasn't trying to downplay your project if that's what my posts looked like, just curious. Thanks
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    Maybe a little more work on the color scheme.
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    Very interesting! I might steal your idea and try to make a dns server myself 😄
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